Why not assure more of your new agents are successful fast?
This month is ‘training’ month. So, I’m writing blogs to help you train your agents to more production. In this blog, we’ll focus on your would-be agents–you know, the ones you’re interviewing right now.
Why Not Put Them to Work While They’re in Pre-License School?
Why aren’t your agents getting prepared to sell real estate while they are in pre-license school? Okay. I know. Until they are licensed, they can’t do the things licensed agents can do. But, they can do many things. And all those things get them ready to hit the ground running. At the end of this blog, I’m providing you my great checklist, 30 Things to Do Right (In Pre-License School) Now to Hit the Ground Running.
What The RE Schools Say about Preparing Agents to Sell Real Estate
Dearborn Real Estate Publishing has published my books for a long time. They work with real estate schools, and publish many books to help pre-license students pass the licensing tests. They just started doing a survey with real estate schools. The 2018-19 survey just came out. [ctt template=”3″ link=”7kjUb” via=”yes” ]
Here’s what the schools said in the Dearborn survey:
While 90% of respondents feel they are informing students well on the topics required by the State Real Estate Commission, and 88% of schools feel they are doing a good job preparing students for the exam, only 71% feel they are preparing students for a successful real estate career.
[/ctt]You know that from hiring these people! In fact, I think we managers and new agents would say that pre-license courses do little to prepare people to sell real estate. And, in truth, that’s not the job the Departments of Licensing expect them to do.
We Lose Lots of Time Because They are Not Prepared to Start the Business
You know the drill. We hire that new agent. We spend the first 1-2 weeks with them getting the ‘orientated’. We have checklists to assure they get their keys, join the Realtor association, etc., etc., etc. How long do you estimate it takes the new agent just to get those orientation checklists finished? 2-4 weeks? In some cases, they never finish them!!!!! Not only that, they probably think that finishing those checklists assures they are going to be successful agents. Ha!
When Do Your New Agents Start Lead Generating?
My studies show that new agents want to make a sale their first month in the business. But, when do you think they start lead generating? Do you know? I believe they put off the inevitable as long as possible, hoping ‘there’s another way!’ In fact, the more ‘get ready to get ready’ work you have them doing as licensees, the worse their habits become and the less money they make!
A Different Method to Get Them a Check Fast
Instead of waiting until they are licensed, why not get them prepared to sell real estate while they are in pre-license school? They can do things like
- Decide on the database/CRM they want to use and learn how to use it
- Populate their databases with 100-300 potential clients
- Prepare an email/hard copy note/letter to all those in their database saying they’ve joined_____________ real estate company
30 Things to Do While in Pre-License School
In fact, as I was writing my new eBook, What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School, I started thinking about how we could really prepare agents to sell real estate–lots of real estate. That’s how I came up with this checklist. Click here to get it.
How to Recruit with the Checklist
Here are a few suggestions:
- Offer this checklist to all your new licensee candidates
- Offer this checklist for your Career Nights
- Offer this checklist in your ads (newspaper, Craig’s List, Facebook, etc.)
I’m Taking It a Step Further
In the next few weeks, I’ll be launching a pilot program to train would-be agents in the basics and get them ready to sell real estate. I’ll be telling you more about it soon. Wouldn’t it be great if you could hire someone you were 90% sure would be successful selling real estate–and was prepared to work to do so?
Save Time! Give Those Interviewees the ‘Scoop’ Here
Would-be agents have a million questions (!) and can take many hours of your time. Instead of answering over and over, give them this eBook and you’ll be able to get to an in-depth interview faster–and discover the talented ones, too! Check out What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School, now in its 2nd edition. Save time and hire great ones!