Here’s what your new agents need to do their second week in the business.
These 2 blogs (my previous one and this one) are excerpted from my eBook, What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School.
Compare this advice to how you start your new agents into their second weeks in the business.
Here’s what to do your second week in the business.
Business start-up plan: You should start your lead generating now, devoting two hours a day, five days a week. Why? Because you want to generate lots of potential clients so you can choose the best ones. If you dona��t start now, you are just putting off your success another month!
Your coach: Meet with your coach at least 3 times this week to assure youa��re starting your business to production fast.
Benefits of ShadowingA�
Shadowing: This literally means following a seasoned agent as he/she does his/her business. Typically, you would shadow an agent doing a listing presentation, a buyer presentation, or presenting an offer. Is it a good thing to do? It depends on the abilities of the agent. If you decide you want to shadow, find out:
What format the agent is going to use; is it a format that you will or have been trained to do (like an approved listing presentation)?
Whata��s the point of the shadowing?
Will you get coaching on your own presentations as part of the shadowing process?
What are you expected to provide in return?
Shadowing provides a a�?modela�� for you. Be sure ita��s a model you want to emulate!
What Your Training Priorities Should BeA�
Most companies have company training programs, or programs they recommend. You should attend.
[ctt template=”3″ link=”_Nha8″ via=”yes” ]There are six specific training modules all new agents need to attend ASAP. [/ctt]These are:
- Lead generation communication skills: You need to learn, and practice the skills of lead generation so you can begin to generate leads (which lead to appointments which lead to clients which lead to SALES!)
- Buyer and seller presentations: You should be given these presentations and should practice them. This includes qualifying buyers and sellers.
- Business planning skills, including a business start-up plana��you should have a course that teaches you the basics of how the numbers work, and gives you a method to set your goals and keep score
- A�Principles of Agency and how to explain agency to a seller or buyer
- How to complete a listing agreement and explain it to a seller
- How to write a purchase and sale agreement and explain it to buyers and sellers
Why these priorities? Because these either put you right on the sales path, or provide the technical information you need to support those sales activities.
What About Everything Else?A�
What about all the rest of the knowledge you dona��t have and are afraid someone will find out you dona��t have? Dona��t worry. You will be able to learn as you go. But, if you avoid getting into the field and meeting potential clients, you wona��t need to worry about learning more. Youa��ll be out of the businessa��..
See more: For detailed weekly schedules and activity plans for your first two months in the business, see my online business start-up program,A�Up and Running in Real Estate.