• 1.7 min readPublished On: February 28, 2024

    Fatal Mistakes when you Present: #3–Relying on Only One Delivery Method

    Mistake #3: Relying on One Delivery Method What does that mean? Instead of varying how we present, we rely on [...]

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  • 1.7 min readPublished On: February 15, 2024

    Fatal Mistakes when you Present: The Long Launch….

    Failing to Launch Right Costs you Big-Time Mistake #2: (from the series Six Fatal Mistakes Presenters Make) The Long Launch It [...]

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  • 2 min readPublished On: November 21, 2023

    Six Fatal Mistakes Presenters: Mistake #1–No Structure

    The six fatal istakes presenters make.... It doesn’t have to be that way….yet, we presenters keep making the same mistakes [...]

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  • 2.3 min readPublished On: October 9, 2023

    Six Fatal Mistakes Presenters Make that Kill Their Presentations

    It doesn’t have to be that way….yet, we presenters keep making the same mistakes again and again. Why? Because we’re [...]

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  • 2.2 min readPublished On: June 28, 2023

    Poor Class Attendance? Write a Better Promotion!

    Poor attendance? Write a better promotion! Are you dismayed because people don't show up for your classes? It may be [...]

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  • conquer stage fright
    0.7 min readPublished On: May 15, 2023

    Stage Fright: Here’s a Hack that Works Every Time

    If you haven't experienced stage fright, you probably haven't ever presented. Or, you just don't care--just kidding--not.... How can you [...]

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  • training video
    1 min readPublished On: November 3, 2022

    The One Mistake that Can Get Your Presentation Off on the ‘Wrong Foot’

    Short video below: Here's the one mistake presenters make that can really get a presentation off-course at the beginning. In [...]

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  • 2 min readPublished On: June 20, 2022

    Here’s Why No One Shows Up at your Real Estate Class

    Are you dismayed because people don't show up for your classes? It may be that, quite frankly, your promo sucks. [...]

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  • 0.8 min readPublished On: October 13, 2021

    Do You Present? How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake We Make

    Any time you are in front of people and want to capture their attention NOW, you need to do this. [...]

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