Are some of your agents stuck in ‘just good enough’? Do you want them to break through to mastery? Break through that ceiling of achievement? Here are 4 steps that work.
Do you wonder why some agents seem to effortlessly get a marketable listing, or always sell the buyer theya��re working with? Is it magic, or is it mastery? It may look easy, but ita��s probably hard work, tenacity, and, most important of alla��practice. I understand mastery, for I earned a bachelora��s degree in piano performance, and taught college-level piano and flute for several years. Ironically, you wouldna��t expect to play the piano well without practicinga��for months, if not years. But, agents expect to master sales skills without practice. Why? Because, it seems easy to talk, so it must be easy to sell. Here are 4 tips Ia��ve learned from the world of performing that are directly applicable to the world of sales mastery:
A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 1. Spaced repetition is key to mastering skills. Practice a bit of the sales skill. Leave it, then return to it after a day. Youa��ll get better fast.
Question: Do you have your agents practice what you learned in class, or do you expect them to just ‘wing it’ in the field with a real live person? Would you expect your airline pilot to do the same?
A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 2. Practice with a coach. Who would expect to learn to play the piano with mastery without a master-level piano teacher? Sales skills require practice, too, with a master instructor.
A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 3. Dona��t expect to just hear it, then do it. You cana��t learn to play the piano by listening to a concerto, and you cana��t learn sales skills just by hearing someone else. Hearing is the first step. Doing it is the next.
A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 4.A� Dona��t expect to do it well the first time. Tolerate your mistakesa��but dona��t settle for just good enough. Mastery requires tenacity and determination. Only you can know how good youa��re going to be at the end!
Put these steps to work and tell me how it makes a difference in your performance–in your ability to break through that ceiling of achievement. It works. I promise you. I know from the field of practice in music!
Question: What gets in your way of accomplishing what you really want?
Check out Up and Running in Real Estate to help your agents achieve their potentials!