Yes, I know. Wea��re supposed to have our business plans all done and ready to go prior to the New Year. But, if we dona��t get it done by Dec. 1, chances are ita��s still waiting to be polished by March 1! How do we make those plans not only get done, but, how do we make them realistic? How do we make them action road maps?
Four Steps to Integrate Your Plan
Take these four steps to get that business plan finished and implemented with real action steps by March 1.
- Meet with each of your agents and assure each has a plan.
- Capture the goals of each of your agents: listings, listings sold, and sales. Now, add a dash of realism. Ask yourself, a�?Based on what the agent accomplished last year, are his/her goals realistic for this year?a�? Then, make any adjustments you think need to be made.
- Add your agentsa�� adjusted goals in each of the three areas. Those sums are your office business plan objectives. Why? Because your agents are the ones who actually create the listings, listings sold, and sales.
- Decide, in each of the action areas below, the actions you will take to assure you reach the office goals, which are a summary of your agentsa�� goals.
The Six Action Areas
Create action plans in these six areas. Using these divisions, youa��ll assure that you cover all the bases.
- Recruiting and selection
- New agent productivity through training and coaching
- Higher production/retention for your experienced agents
- Marketing: Internal/external
- Personal/professional development
- Operations: financial planning/staff
For a flow chart of the leadership business plan in this blog, including these six action areas, excerpted from Business Planning for the Owner, Manager, and Team Builder, click here.
More from Carla Cross on Business Planninga��free Webinar
Listen/look at the free webinar I just did for the Learning Library of the National Association of Realtors. Click here to view it.