How badly do you really want your training to pay off? I just got done reviewing a training program to see if the attributes for effectiveness were there. Most of them weren’t. And, frankly, I think they weren’t there because no one cared enough to assure they WERE there. Why? Because it’s regarded as just too much trouble! That’s the sad truth. But, why do we bother to train if we can’t expect a measurable outcome? What if I could absolutely guarantee you, that, if you put these 4 principles in place, you will see results in your training, turn out productive agents, and have a great recruiting tool. How much would that be worth to you? (I don’t mean how much would you pay for this, but how much effort would you be willing to put into it?)
Here are the four principles/attributes that need to be in place:
1. Expectations/Accountability
How will you hold agents accountable to work to be done in the program? What are the ‘rules’? When do you explain the rules? Do you have a commitment letter?
2. Work during the course
Do you have the agents completing work during the course? Lead generation, packaging, presentations, etc. If not, how do you know they can do what you taught?
3. Measurable results
Are you having the agents measure their results? If not, how are you going to use the program to recruit? How will you know the program worked?
4. Fixed curriculum and highly trained instructors
Do you have a written curriculum with course objectives? If not, are you just wandering around in a wasteland of information?
Are your instructors trained in participative teaching methods? Are you monitoring your instructors so you know they are teaching skills, not just talking or providing war stories?
Grade yourself on each of the attributes above. What did you excel at? What do you need to improve?
How awesome could your training be if it had these 4 principles/attributes in place?
Here’s a Program with the Principles Written Into the Training
It’s deceptively challenging to include those 4 principles/attributes above in a training program. Yet, if they aren’t there, your training can’t be effective. Why not look at the unique UP and Running in Real Estate, written by National Realtor Educator of the Year Carla Cross. This online program is terrific for those hiring 1-4 agents a month, because the agent can start the program at any time, and work through the program, while jumping ahead to needed topics–and going back. Check it out here. Also: There’s a coaching component, so you can fully support your agent’s success.