This is THE time to recruit and select winners. So, this month, I’m focusing on selection.
Think back to the last time you qualified a buyer, a seller, or a recruiting candidate. How much talking did you do? How many questions did you ask? Unfortunately, too many of us go into sales because wea��re a�?good talkersa��. Then, we wonder why wea��re not burning up the world selling real estate. Ita��s because wea��re talking too much. Here are some recommendations on talk vs. listeninga��along with best first questions for agents and managers. Youa��ll make more sales and gain more recruits with these tips.
How Much Talking?
In the first part of the sales process, you should be talking no more than A? of the time! Why? Because you want to gather all the information you can from your client or recruiting candidate. How come? Because you have to have that information do decide
- If you want that person as a client or agent recruit
- Do you want to do a presentation
Also, if we dona��t know their hidden needs and sub-conscious motivations, how are we going to help them make buying decisions?
Herea��s what that process should look like, whether youa��re an agent or a broker.
Why don’t we ask more Questions?
If ita��s so important to ask all those questions, why dona��t we do it?
- We get nervous, so we talk
- We dona��t have the questions
- We dona��t understand the significance
- Wea��ve focused on the a�?tella�� or the a�?sella��, thinking that was the way to convince people to work with us
The Significance of the Questions
How do we know when we havena��t been able to sell something to a client? They dona��t a�?buya��. But, herea��s the problem. Ita��s way too late then. Sure. We can become masters at objection-countering, memorization, and a�?jam it down their throatsa��. But, thata��s an awfully old-fashioned way to try to sell, and consumers hate that today.
Closing and then Answering Objections is Just Not Todaya��s Method
We take all kinds of classes to learn to answer objections and close. We think that wea��re supposed to sell, sell, sella��get those objectionsa��and answer them so beautifully that the client acquiesces and falls at our feeta��buying whatever we want them to buy. Happens once in awhile. But, we dona��t gain loyal clients who will refer us to others. Instead, we create lots of buyers with a�?buyersa�� remorsea��.
I hope you’re now convinced to ask questions. In the next blog, I’ll discuss more about this process, and give you some questions you can ask to screen potential new recruits–before you get them into your office (a great time saver).
Before I leave: How many questions do you ask a potential recruit? Are you satisfied with your selection process?
Want to streamline your selection process and recruit more winners? Check out Your Blueprint to Selecting Winners. I’ve created an 8-step process to follow for a successful interview. What does your process look like?