Are you prepared for those 77 interview questions?
You’re interviewing a would-be agent. But, you quickly find out these aren’t interviews. These are Q and A. And, the would-be agent is asking all the questions. You, ever gracious, are taking hours with each person. Unfortunately, you never see most of them again.
I just finished my new eBook Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School. Of course, to write the book, I contacted dozens of newer agents. I also drew on my experience of having interviewed thousands of eager, enthusiastic–and naive–people who thought they would love selling real estate.
They Have More Questions than You have Time to Give
When I was a new manager, I graciously spent hours answering these many questions. I found out, though, that I didn’t get to know the candidate at all. Why? Because they just weren’t far enough along in the ‘gathering information’ process to answer my candidate questions. They were just hungry to get information.
Would-Be Agents Get Lots of Dis-Information
I found out that these would-be agents thought:
- They would make $100,000 their first year in the business
- They could work 20 hours a week.
- The business consisted of looking at pretty houses and selling them to clients that magically appeared.
- Somehow, the client would find the agent.
- Armed with business cards and a good company name, the agent would provide great service, were ‘honest’, ‘worked hard’, and would ‘go the extra route’. (Heard those claims before?)
- Someone (manager, company, relo, websites) would provide them leads–all people ready and willing to buy from that agent.
- Their training program would give them all the answers and they would be educated to deal with any client.
Where Did the Would-be Agent Get These Fantasy Ideas?
From affiliates, friends, reading, and, unfortunately, some interviewers. Oh, I almost forgot. They also get it from agents who write those ‘how I made a gazillion dollars selling real estate in a half year in my spare time’.
How Do You Set the Record Straight?
I tried to solve that problem by handing the would-be agent lots of information. Finally, one of my new agents said, “Why don’t you put that in a book?” So, I did. I found providing the book early on in the relationship saved both the would-be agent and I time, and gave the would-be agent better information with which to interview.
Back to those 77 Interview Questions
Get ready to answer ANY of these 77 interview questions…..
Download those interview questions and topics below.
Save time and give those eager would-be agents good, straightforward, realistic information. The easy way to do that is to get Launching Right in Real Estate and provide it to your would-be agents. Pre-order now and get it at half price (regularly $24.95, now $12.95). Available June 1, 2021.