Are you getting the biggest ‘bang’ for your training buck?
Are you frustrated because your training isn’t getting results? Or, people just aren’t showing up? Or, worse yet, falling asleep in that factoid-heavy class?
Maybe you have a specific problem you’ve noticed when you read your latest profit and loss statement. For instance: Perhaps your agents are giving too many commission concessions.
If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, you’ll love the tool here. I’m providing an insightful analytical tool to discover what’s right–and wrong–with your training.
Three main reasons your training isn’t working:
1. It isn’t tied to the problems you want to solve in your office (agents not productive enough, commissions too low, etc.)
2. It doesn’t teach your agents to perform better–just gives information
3. It isn’t exciting enough–teacher just drones on and on…..
As I work with owners, managers and trainers internationally, I see these same three problems crop up over and over.
Click here to get your analytical tool — along with tips to correct your training to make it pay off.
Affiliates: Share this with the managers/trainers in the offices you call on. Use these tips, too, to streamline the training you provide.
Want Help in Improving your Training?
Why not get some assistance in refining your training, creating or improving your training calendars, and energizing your courses with refreshing and effective training methods? Carla Cross has helped the major franchises internationally do just that, and she will help you, too.
Customized coaching to:
- Improve training, training calendars and resultsA�
- Insert more exciting training methods into courses to improve attendance
- Create methods to assure better training results
- Contact Carla to find out how she can help you get better results from your training. Each coaching series is customized to meet your needs and get the results you want.
These series range from 2 sessions to 6, depending on your needs. Carla will work with you one-on-one or with your group of trainers.