Going into management? How are you going to motivate?
This month, I’m featuring blogs regarding going into management. Why? I’ve been interviewing for that next great leader. Unfortunately, I’ve found few candidates have prepared at all for management. (Read my earlier blogs for preparation needed).
[ctt template=”3″ link=”i6Xc8″ via=”yes” ]Managers need to be ‘up’, encouraging, motivational people. But, exactly how do we do that?[/ctt]As managers, we agonize over how to motivating our agents/employees. Yet, we generally know little about how motivation really works. Here is one psychologist’s view on motivation, with tips on how to make it work for you in the workplace.
Different strokes for different folks. We think people are motivated by whatever motivates us. If we like to be up in front of hundreds and receive those number one trophies, we assume others do, too. Not true. MCClelland, a psychologist who wrote lots about motivation (see Achieving Society, Power is the Great Motivator), observed that people were motivated by one of these motivators:
a. achievement
b. affiliation
c. power
Identifying Who’s Who
What are some actions that achievers demonstrate?
What are some actions affiliators demonstrate?
What are some actions power people demonstrate?
Which one are you motivated by? How do you know? Think of a time in your life when you were very motivated by something. Was that ‘something’ categorized as achievement, affiliation, or power? You can ask your team members that same question, and find out their dominant motivator (and just observe them in action, too!).
Managing to the Motivators
McClelland said, that, if you’re managing an achiever, you should:
- provide clear-cut goals
- give prompt feedback
Managing an affiliator? You should:
- treat him/her as an individual
- be emphathetic
- provide encouragement
With the power person, you should:
- set clear guidelines
- talk about how to win
- speak in terms of results
Who Challenges You?
To really put this to work, pick a person you manage that you find challenging. Pinpoint their main motivator. Try the actions McClelland suggests. I’ll bet you’ll not only get more cooperation, you’ll start to feel ‘in tune’ with that person–and provide the atmosphere for them where they can be motivated–their way.
For your next sales meeting: Explain McClleland’s approach to motivators. Ask agents about 3 times in their lives when they were really motivated to achieve something. Then, explain the 3 categories, and ask agents to choose their dominant motivator.
Get The Insights You Need to Hire with Confidence
If you’re a new manager. You’ll want to cut your time frame by interviewing more effectively. You work so hard to gain those interviews. But, do you have planned interview process that assures you pick winners? (And assures the candidates are impressed with you….) Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners, with new information about what desired agents of today are looking for, is a guide to create your unique attractors, how to put together a powerful presentation, and a completely new video showing exactly how to craft the best ‘crystal ball’ type of questions. Learn more here.