Here are 4 ways your meetings go wrong, and a planner to assure they go right.
This month, I’m focusing on the main responsibilities of a real estate manager. If you’re going into management, how are you going to make your meetings exciting, interesting, and participative?
Death By Meeting…….
If you haven’t been in a meeting that went sideways, you probably haven’t attended enough meetings! I just attended a meeting that was almost painful to experience. It went on and on, with little organization. The speakers had no rhyme nor reason to their presentations. And, finally, I wasn’t even sure what we were to do as a result of this meeting!
As I sat there, I thought, “How can I help meeting planners/managers/presenters avoid the mistakes I’m experiencing and plan a meeting that works every time?” I came up with this Presentation Planner and Promotion form. Using it with your presenters will assure that you avoid these four big mistakes:
1. No promotion to your target audience for the meeting
2. No focus to the meeting–no theme, no stated benefits to the target audience
3. Presenters do not have a format from which to create their presentations–so they just wander around in a vast wasteland of facts and figures
4. There’s no call to action as a result of the speaker or of the meeting
Promoting Your Event
[ctt template=”3″ link=”f5dF5″ via=”yes” ]You may have the best event in the world, but, if you don’t let anyone know, all your planning will be for naught![/ctt] So, my Presentation Planner includes a section on promotion. After all, as you plan your presentation, you’ll naturally think:- Who is the event targeted to?
- What are the 3 major benefits to this target audience?
- What will they walk away with?
- Where will I promote it?
The planner I created will help you avoid the 4 common mistakes listed above. It not only assures a persuasive presentation, it helps you promote the event, too!
Click here to grab your Presentation/Promotion Planner.
I’m Here to Help You Become a Great Leader!
If you’re new to management, or you’re being challenged in management, I can help. My Leadership Mastery individual, custom coaching program will help you master the major activities of management–stepping you from ‘maintenance management’ to true leadership. Check out my program here. Contact me for a complimentary consultation.