I just did a business planning webinar for a large southern franchise group. Now, I’m going to do a webinar for the management team on how to introduce business planning and use it all year to coach. So, I thought I would share some tips with you on initial scheduling for business planning and on-going coaching to a business plan. I’ll address on-going coaching in my next blog.
First, what doesn’t work:
Hand out the planning pages and say ‘have a nice day’.
Instead, you must have a schedule assure the agent gets that plan written.When I’m teaching this as a course, or doing a webinar, I give the agents questions to interview their managers–questions that reveal what the managers foresee as strengths and challenges and trends in the marketplace and in their offices. See that interview scheduled below.
Here’s the schedule I’m giving to the leadership during the webinar:
This is just the first schedule. After the initial ‘help’, you must schedule individual appointments for the agent to finish his/her plan:
Now, you’ve educated the agents about business planning. You’ve teamified and created confidence with your meeting. Finally, you’ve set appointments for individual coaching for the plan. In my next blog, we’ll discuss how to use the business plan for coaching all year, so you’re fully imbued in the success with each of your agents.
Want Some Support to Get Your Agents Business Plans?
Why not contact me to find out how I can educate your agents on business planning and support and coach you as a leader. Give me a call at 425.392-6914 or email me at [email protected]. I can do a webinar series for you, supply you will all the planning documents, and help your leadership coach your agents–at a very affordable cost with big pay-off for you.