Are Your Agents Still Selling with These Two Ineffective Strategies? Do you need to put new strategies in your training and coaching?
Florida Realtor just interviewed me for an article on the sales strategies that agents are still using–but that don’t work. I thought that was such a great topic that I want to share them with you here. So, these blogs will each explore 2 habits. This is great for agents and managers to think about, because these habits and strategies can wreck your results!
My first two strategies were no database or contact management and using a ‘love ’em and leave ’em mentality. The next two ‘no-no’s were not customizing your presentations–or just ‘going verbal’, and not qualifying your leads.
The last two are:
- Thinking ‘training’ is just for ‘newbies’
- Little or no proactive lead generation
Who’s Training For?
Often, when I ask an agent about training, they said “I’ve gone through the company new agent training program. I’ve been trained.” Sure. That’s like saying, I took one piano lesson so now I can play a Beethoven sonata. Not quite…..Or, almost as bad: As agents become more ‘seasoned’, they get new technical information, but don’t take classes in presenting, sales techniques, or management. In other words, they’re not growing as professionals.
Managers: What training do you offer your agents to keep them growing after your new agent training? What training do you offer the seasoned agent to ‘push them back’ to growth and excitement?
Little or No Proactive Lead Generation
No, I don’t mean ‘sit and wait’ for a lead–like from floor time, or leads from your manager, or relo leads–or those lead generation companies.Ii mean ‘you go out and get the lead’. That’s your insurance plan, and it will protect you when times get tougher (and they will).
[ctt template=”3″ link=”2057y” via=”yes” ] Do you have a proactive lead generating plan? Do you keep track of your number of leads per day, contacts, and appointments so you know the amount of work you need to do each day to reach your goals?[/ctt]Managers: Do you help your agents build in a lead generation plan into their business plans? Do you help them be accountable to the plan? To measure the plan?
What are your ‘old strategies’ that you see agents doing that they need to dr
[/ctt]Managers: Do you help your agents build in a lead generation plan into their business plans? Do you help them be accountable to the plan? To measure the plan?
What are your ‘old strategies’ that you see agents doing that they need to drop now?