• 3.2 min readPublished On: April 5, 2022

    Increase Your Retention Dramatically with a Bulletproof Onboarding Process

    Increase your retention dramatically with a bulletproof onboarding process. What does agent onboarding and training have to do with [...]

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  • 2 min readPublished On: December 8, 2020

    Do Your Agents Have Their Business Plans for this Year?

    Do your agents have their business plans for this year? Have you been avoiding the issue, hoping they would do [...]

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  • 3.9 min readPublished On: November 12, 2020

    Don’t Start your Business Plan Yet

    Throughout November and December, I'm focusing my blogs on #business planning, so you have plenty of information to create a [...]

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  • 0.4 min readPublished On: December 30, 2019

    Got That Business Plan Done? Some Tips via Video Here

    Got your business plan done? Why not get dozens of tips to polish (or start) that plan) by looking at [...]

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  • 2.7 min readPublished On: June 26, 2019

    Onboarding: Those Critical First Seven Days

    Onboarding: Those critical first seven days. Find out why that first week is so critical. First: What does new agent [...]

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  • 3.6 min readPublished On: June 21, 2019

    Onboarding: Is It Causing Retention or Attrition in your Comany?

    Onboarding: Is it causing attrition or retention in your company? Do you know? Do you know how awesome (or not) [...]

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  • 5.3 min readPublished On: April 23, 2019

    The 5 Performance Principles I Learned from my Piano Teacher

    Here are the 5 great performance principles I learned from my piano teacher. Why are these so important? Because, as [...]

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  • 2.7 min readPublished On: January 28, 2019

    How to Find Out if Management is in your Future–and Prepare

    Here's how to find out if management is in your future--and how to prepare to succeed. ** See my prioritized [...]

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  • 3 min readPublished On: January 22, 2019

    Want to Go Into Management? Try ‘Perfect Practice’

    Want to go into management? Try 'perfect practice' to get the skills you need BEFORE you jump into the job. [...]

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