Real estate managers: What do buyers really want from your agents? Yes, we can guess, but, do we really know? As some of you know, Ia��ve been a musician almost all my life. From the time I was four, I was a�?tickling the ivoriesa��.A�A�As you can imagine, Ia��ve been through countless examinations, ratings, adjudications, and contests. Ia��m very familiar with rating systems. One of the ways to get great performance is to know by which perimeters youa��ll be evaluated.
A�How Would your AgentsA�Rate a ’10’?
For example: What would constitute the consumers rating yourA� agentA�a a�?10a�� (out of 10)? Ita��s very frustrating when you dona��t know what great performance looks, sounds, and feels like. If youa��ve ever been evaluated and gotten a less than stellar evaluation, you know how frustrating it is to be rated as less than stellara��but not know what constituted a�?greata�� in the eyes of those rating us.A�A�A�
Read What Consumers Want from Buyersa�� Agents
A�Besides surveying buyers and asking them to rate agents, the California Association of Realtors asked buyers exactly what they wanted from those buyersa�� agents. Here’s what buyers said:
A�A�What We Can Learn to Help Us Get those Great Ratings
A�As you can see, consumers expectedA�agents to be experts at whateverA�they were doing. They dona��t wantA�agents to try to help them in areas whereA�they’re not competent (like trying to sell foreclosures without adequate education).A� What does that mean to us? The obvious. IfA�our agentsA�going to delve into short sales and foreclosures,A� our agents A�need to dedicateA�themselves to becoming an expert.
My question to you managers/trainers: Are you specifically training to the skills consumers (buyers) said they wanted from their agents? What does your training schedule look like? Do you have a training calendar that includes these areas? What areas are you training to, right now, that fulfil consumer demands?