Do you know how much poor hiring practices cost you? Many brokers tell me they don’t cost anything! Most brokers dona��t realize they are doing irreparable damage to their companies by hiring those who arena��t going to go right to worka��and keeping those who wona��t work. Here are the 3 biggest consequences to poor selection I see.
1. Stops you from hiring great producers. Likes attract. How can brokers hope to hire that great producer when they have more than 10% of their office as non-producers? I can see it now. a�?Sure, Ia��ll come to your office. Ia��m a top producer, and I just love to be dragged down by those non-producers. It will be my pleasure to waste my time with them.a�? Not.
2. Kills your recruiting message.
Do you have a training program? Do you use it to recruit? Herea��s the real message: a�?We have a training program. All our new agents go through it. We dona��t get any results from the program, so it really doesna��t work. But, join us.a�? You cana��t possibly show how successful your training program makes your agents because your training program cana��t possibly get resultsa��poor people in and no actions and accountability required.
3. De-motivates your agents to provide referrals to you.
Your outcomes and hiring practices speak more loudly than you could possible speak. Why would one of your good agents possibly refer someone to you when your good agent doesna��t see those you hired starting right out and making money fast?
All Your ‘Recruiting Stories’ Can’t Cover Up the Realities of Poor Hires
In a fast market, a�?accidental salesa�� buoy poor agents and make them look as though they are actually selling enough real estate to be a a�?mediana�� agent. What’s your market like? Can the agents in your market figure out the quality of your agents? Of course. You can run, but you can’t hide!
Please Tell Me What You Think
What do you think a non-productive agent costs the company? In my next blog, Ia��ll give you some line items that will probably double what you think a bad hire costs. Leta��s see what you think first. Poor hiring practices really, really hurts brokersa��both financially and emotionally.
Recruiting Resources to Help you Recruit Better
Recruiting plans, ideas, strategies, dialogue–Carla Cross has all the resources you need to ramp up your recruiting. See them at carlacross.com.