Okay. Leta��s face it. Ita��s difficult to get your agent to create that business plan. But, you know he/she needs one, right? Through this November and December, all my blogs will focus on business planning.
Agents: Check out UP and Running in 30 Days. You’ll get business planning tips and free documents to help you plan.
In the next few blogs, Ia��ll give you the guidance you need to get workable plans for your agents. Herea��s the first tip:
Model the process.
What do I mean? Create your own plan, so you know how the process works. Most brokers don’t have business plans. No wonder they dona��t feel confident in helping their agents plan. So, your first step is to create your own plan. Your plan should include:
The thought process (this is the part that is most often left out):
Your vision
Your mission
A review of your office for this last year. This is the step most planners leave outa��.so they dona��t get any a�?hintsa�� for the future from their own past! Thata��s like trying to market your product without knowing why people love it. A review will also give you a�?talking pointsa�� with your agents about their own plans. Especially look at these statistics:
- Number of listings taken to listings solda��in normal market time (you will look at this with your agent, too)
- Percentage of sales to listings sold (you will look at this with your agent, too)
A Complimentary Leadership Business Planning Webinar for You
Last week, I did a complimentary leadership business planning webinar. Now, it’s recorded and available to view here. In addition, I’ve provided the slides, too, so you don’t have to take notes! Please take advantage of this, and create a business plan for your office. By the way, I’ve included why strategic planning is back in ‘vogue’, and how you can take advantage of the difference in how strategic planning needs to be done today.