How can agents get the best from managers? I know agents sit in the interview and askedA�managers, “What are you going to do for me?” But, did the manager ask the agent, “What are you going to do for me?”

From working as an agent for 8 years, and managing agents for almost two decades, Ia��ve drawn some conclusions about the a�?turnabouta��s fair playa�� that I believe agents owe managers. Ia��ve also listed these in the new Up and Running in 30 Days, because, I believe if managers are willing to give 100% support through training and coaching each agent to success, agents need to give it their best, too. Here are my agentsa�� ten commandments:

  1. Do the work.
  2. Dona��t argue.
  3. Dona��t make excuses form not doing your start-up plan.
  4. Dona��t tell the manager youa��ve been in the business two weeks and you have a better way.
  5. Do thank your manager frequently.
  6. Do tell other agents that you appreciate your managera��s efforts.
  7. Do tell other new agents you meet in other companies that you have a great manager.
  8. Dona��t bug other people in the office to find another answer because you didna��t like your managera��s answer.
  9. Dona��t change the Up and Running plan because you a�?dona��t like ita�?. (You just dona��t like lead generating, do you
  10. Dona��t miss a coaching appointment!

Ia��d love to hear what you think of my a�?ten commandments.a�� Are there others you think are important?

Why not make your own ten commandments and discuss them in your interview process with your candidates.

Agents: Before you hire on, get in writing exactly what your manager is going to do to assure your success, so you wona��t have disappointments later. Getting agreement on what we both expect before we decide to work together is key to a happy partnership. The only surprises I want you and your agent to have after you start working together are good ones!

Win a Copy of My New Book

Would you like to win a copy of my new 4th edition of Up and Running in 30 Days, the new agent’s start-up plan? It’s not even on the shelves yet. Just go to my Facebook business page and enter the contest (win a book).