Have an unmotivated agent? Tips to light ’em on fire!
Do you have any seasoned agents in your office who have lost their fire? Therea��s probably no challenge for a manager today greater than that of rejuvenating your experienced, valued agents. Even though your market is better than it was, these seasoned agents just dona��t seem to be able to re-light those fires of desire. Youa��ve tried being supportive and empathetic. Youa��ve even given them leads. Nothing has seemed to work. What are you going to do to retain these agents, motivate these agents, and get them back into the fray?
Before We Start: What Doesna��t Work
As a coach, Ia��ve been working with management teams to save and re-generate the careers of experienced agents. One of the biggest mistakes Ia��ve seen managers make is to try to help these seasoned agents through support and empathy. Thata��s just not enough. And, ita��s actually demeaning. Yes, some empathy is needed. But, my observation is that it too often drifts into sympathy. Instead of motivating these seasoned agents to get back at it, these well-meaning but misguided managers are sympathizing the agents into a deeper
You Can Fill the Motivational Void Left by the a�?On Firea�� Market
As a manager, you have the ability to not only provide an atmosphere, along with a platform, to motivate that agent back into the business, you can go much further than that, to a�?inspirationa�?.
Just think what would happen if you could get that seasoned, slumping, a�?stucka�� agent back into the business with fervor. The whole attitude of your office would improve. Your coaching would work. Your training would be well attended. Your bottom line would look much healthier.
Two Steps to Create an Awesome Motivational Office
Ia��ve created a two-step approach to re-ignite your seasoned agents. In the next few blogs, Ia��ll show you exactly how to not only motivate those agents, but go way beyond motivation to inspiration.
Before I give you my approach, let me ask you to think about what motivates you. What re-lights your fires of desire? How have you noticed your seasoned agents ‘checking out’? Do some observation and research before you read my next blog post.
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