Presenters: Is there a webinar in your future?
This month, I featuring training.
Is a webinar in your future? Everybody and their brother are doing webinars. I am doing a a�?livea��A�Instructor Development Workshop, and there isA�interest in webinars each time I do this course. So, I thought Ia��d write a blog
about them. Here goes. Enjoy!
Should you become a webinar a�?mavena��? If youa��re a
- Trainer
- Coach
- Manager
- Team leader
- Salesperson
you may want to consider the a�?delivery methoda�� of a webinar. What can a webinar do for you? It can
- Inform
- Introduce
- Sell
- Increase your image
WhatA�cana��tA�a webinar do? It cana��t
Change peoplea��s behaviorA�(ita��s not training. Ita��s education). Webinars are not the magic training bullet wea��ve wished for. There are limited objectives you can accomplish by doing a webinar. (Wea��ll investigate this more later).
Of course, the upside of a webinar is that
- People dona��t have to travel to get to the a�?eventa��
- Ita��s very cost-effective
- It puts you in front of new audiences
- You can make it a�?evergreena�� (record it and share it)
Some Basic Choices to Make Before You Start
- Your vehicle
Which company will you use to deliver your webinar? There are over 100 companies today offering some type of a�?screen sharinga��. They range from free to $100+ a month. The free versions companies tout are for a limited number of viewers (usually 5-10). After that, figure on paying for the services. Among the most popular services are GoTo Meeting, WebEx, and BrightTalk. Whatever you choose, pick a service that will be easy for you! Getting caught in the technicalities while you are trying to be a sparkling presenter is death by webinar.
- Whata��s your message?
Decide on your topic. Is it something that would lend itself to a webinar? To find out, study webinars you’ve attended. Do some seem too wishy-washy to have been worth your time? Are some so full of facts and figures you snooze off?
Now, decide on your objectives. In other words, start with the end in mind. To write your objectives, start with this sentence,
As a result of this webinar, attendeesA�will____________________________. Examples of objectives for a business planning webinar could be:
- Understand the a�?flowa�� of the strategic business planning process
- Be able to differentiate between a vision and a mission statement
- Be able to pinpoint 3 areas of concern about their business from the previous year
After Ia��ve written my objectives, I know the basic structure of my webinar. I can prioritize those objectives and start arranging my webinar in the right presentation order.
Your Topic: Overview or Detailed?
Is your topic an overview, or is it more detailed? Decide on the scope of your topic, and your objectives, before going further.
Common webinar mistake: Either being so a�?globala�� there is little information, or being so detailed you lose the audience in facts and figures.
After deciding on your desired delivery company, and drafting your topic and objectives, you’re ready for the next step. In the next blog, we’ll discuss best presentation methods–and common presentation mistakes.
To get more information on creating courses with objectives, seeA�The Ultimate Real Estate Trainera��s Guide.A�Not only for real estate presenters, this guide provides a step-by-step process for putting together a presentation (not just webinars), and dozens of presentation tips.