WhatA�should be in a business plan? In November and December, I’m featuring business planning, so you can get a great plan AND coach your agents to great plans.
So, what should be in a business plan? Goals? Action plans? Youa��re right, as far as it goes. A�Ita��s not enough to either write a
Platitude-heavy mission/vision plan, with a lot of a�?we will bea��.a��
A goals-only plan
Why? Because neither version of a business plan does you much good if you want to create a business plan that is usable every day.
Whata��s in a Usable Business Plan
Click here to see the parts of a strategic business plan for a real estate agent (this would work for any salesperson). I created this a�?flow charta�� after being frustrated that there was no good business planning process or template for real estate salespeople. I found that there needed to be a clear a�?patha�� from the big picture planning aspects (vision/mission/objectives) to the action plan. I also found there had to be a clear delineation of the parts of the action plan. Why? Agents will focus on what they find easya��the business support parts of the plan, not the lead generating parts of the plan.
Make Moneya��Or Not
By focusing on the review and action portions of your plan, you will have a real blueprint to follow to create success every day. Be very careful about which planning system you use. The way you think will determine the kind of plan you get. Follow the model I’ve provided her. Now, you have a usable business plan for 2017.
Want to see more on business planning? Check outA�my complete online business planning programs, Beyond the Basics of Business Planning.
Watch my Complimentary Business Planning Webinar
During this fast-paced webinar youa��ll see:
- Why your plan probably didna��t work for youa��and what to do about it
- How to definitely find out what will work for YOU (not someone elsea��s plan!)
- How to anticipate market shifts (!)
- What to STOP doing in 2017
- What one thing will assure your business plan works
- Bonus: 10 Creative Marketing Ideas for your plan
Included handouts:
- The strategic planning process created exclusively for real estate professionals by Carla Cross
- Review: Your best sources of business
Click here to see the webinar and grab the handouts.
Here’s to a great 2017 with your polished business plan!
How Good is Your Business Planning System?
Need a comprehensive business planning system that is designed ONLY for leadership? Most planning systems don’t cover the specific areas you need to address.
Check out Beyond the Basics of Business Planning.