[ctt template=”3″ link=”LoUns” via=”yes” ]You do a great job of letting the agent know everything you’re going to do for that agent. But, do you talk about and show the agent what you expect of the agent? [/ctt] Unfortunately, unlike most businesses that are clear in their performance expectations, we either skip this conversation entirely or gloss over it.
I have done 2 short videos on these very important topics. The first video addresses establishing standards (minimum expectations). The second video explains how to address these expectations with the agent. I’m including the first video today. In my next blog, I’ll show you the second video.
Click here to go to the first video.
Take a look at the first video here: Establishing Standards and Mutual Expectations
Here are the documents I mentioned to help you think through and put your standards in place:
Establishing Your Hiring/Retention Standards for your Agents
Up and Running in 30 Days Goals and Standards
Up and Running in Real Estate Commitment Letter
Use the information here, along with the standards documents, to raise the performance of your team to a much higher level!
Let me know how you’re doing with this! Remember, be careful about establishing your standards and how you implement them!