Are your career nights frankly boring? Here are some tips to put some pep into them.A�A�Are they dazzling, informative, and truthful? Or, do you just plow through the material and hope, at the end, you’ve ‘covered the material’? Career Nights are one of the 11 methods of finding recruits. Why not optimize your chances of finding more winners?
See the bonus for your Career Nights, too, at the end of this blog.
Here are three ways to assure your Career Nights involve, provoke, and capture the attention and imagination of your audience.
1. Help them discover their own business attributes
Are you using some analytical tools that help the attendees discover if they would be a ‘fit’ for real estate sales? In my new eBook, What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School, I provide some analytical questionnaires for would-be agents so they can discovered whether they would love real estate sales.
Point: It’s much more interesting talking about yourself than hearing others talk!
2. Provide them a solid job description
But, don’t just hand it out. Instead, work with them in listing business-producing or business supporting activities. Help them prioritize the activities that make them money–and cost them time. What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School has a job description for a successful real estate agent. Do you provide a job description at least–during your interview?
Point: Most agents never get a job description, and end up doing many things that don’t make a difference in their careers.
3. Help them discover their ideal job
In the pre-licenseA�ebook, I haveA�attendeesA�answer a questionnaire that helps them discover their ideal job. The truth is that some people will love selling real estate, and many won’t. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone involved to figure that out prior to making the decision to go sell real estate?
Point: We don’t need more licensees. We need more people who will love selling real estate and be compelled to do it well!
What do you include in your Career Nights that makes it exciting, involving, and truthful? Is it helping you choose winners?
This month, when you order my eBook below, I’ll include the documents from the eBook ready to use in your Career Nights.
Save Time and Make your Interviews Work for You
See more about that eBook here. There are dozens of ideas you can incorporate into Career Nights, your interviews, and your recruiting packages.
You’ll save hundreds of hours in time, too, so you won’t have to do ‘informational sessions and can concentrate on those invaluable screening interviews.