What’s your ‘bottom line’ for anA�ideal start-up plan for a new agent? Many managers tell me they don’t want to hire new agents because they’re too much work–and, too many of them fail. True. Yet, on the other hand, managers find it difficult to recruit seasoned agents who fit their profile, culture, and standards. One answer to this dilemma is to develop a start-up program for new agents that avoids the pitfalls associated with hiring new agents.
The Ideal Porgram Should Assure…
1. The new agent will succeed–fast (not this normal 50% failure rate!)
2. The new agent is directed by the start-up program–not a situation where the manager has to re-invent the wheel with every new agent
3. The manager doesn’t have to invest hundreds of hours in a new agent–only to find that agent fails
4. There’s direction from a ‘trusted advisor’–an outside coach, to save the manager’s time
5. There’s coordination and interaction between the ‘trusted advisor coach’ and the manager, so the manager isn’t left out of the loop
6. The new agent is challenged by meaningful activities leading to a sale, not just unprioritized busy work
What other goals should your ideal program provide you?
Re-Inventing My Start-Up Plan
I’m doing the fourth edition of my best-selling start-up plan for new agents, Up and Running in 30 Days. I want to assure that it fulfills all the goals above–and the goals you have for me.A� Here are some methods I am using to ‘take the load off’ managers, and still assure the program is effective:
1. I’ll be doing short instructional and motivational videos to teach the agents the best planning strategies AND motivate them. This saves managers so much time, because they won’t have to teach the program. I will.
2. I’ll be providing Internet-based forms that the agent will complete, (both in business-producing and busienss-supporting work), and those forms will always be available to the manager. These forms will tell the agent, too, how he’s doing in comparison with the standards and goals of the program. In other words, using programmed ‘feedback’ on progress, I’ll help the agent stay on track and congratulate him/her on accomplishments.
3. I’ll provide guidance to the manager on how to coach the agent during the good and the rough times, with short videos and forms provided.
What else would you like to see as I update the program?
Thank you for making this program the best-known and most successful program internationally to start new agents on the path to success.
P. S. This program is not meant to be a full-blown training program. It is a business start-up plan–meant to be an immediate start to the business, so the agent doesn’t have ‘down time’ between his hiring/orientation and training. Just think of what the agent could accomplish if he started lead generating on purpose in his week 2, rather than waiting until after that formal training program (about 4-6 weeks!)…….