Real estate owners and managers; Do you feel like you have climbed to the top of the management mountain each day, or are you struggling in the mud flats?
If youa��re trying to grow your real estate office, youa��re most likely struggling to step to the next level. You want to get loose of some of the day-to-day concerns you handle. You want to delegate more, so you can do the pro-active things you know will give you that a�?quantum leapa��.
Is Selling Real Estate Holding You Back?
For example, one of my Leadership Mastery coaching clients sells real estate. He sells a lot of real estate, and hea��s really good at it. He also owns a real estate office with 20 people. To move his company to the next level, he knows he needs to step into the arena of a�?pro-active people developmenta�? (recruit, select, train, coach). He has to stop focusing his management time on reactive crisis management.A� To change his focus, though, he has to sell lessa��and delegate more. I need to provide him the tools, guidance, and support he needs to have confidence in his a�?next levela�� business plan.
The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Leap to the Next Higher Level
Therea��s one concept that will do more than any other to take you out of a�?crisis managementa�� and into business management. It will enable you to create a business thata��s truly saleable. It will solve your problem of being really good at what you do, and your fear, that, if you stop doing it, everything will fall apart!
Systematize Your Business
This concept is systemization. To move to that next level, you must have systems, operations, and checklists in place. Why? So you can delegate many of those present level responsibilities to someone else. But, you say, youa��ll just hire someone and have that person create the systems. Oh, sure. McDonalda��s does it that way. They just hire someone from out of the blue, and say, a�?create me a system to be more McDonald-likea��. No, they dona��t, and you cana��t either. You must create a system for what you want done. Then, you hire the talent, and then you teach and coach them to the system! Now, you have delegated the job the way you want it done.
A Stunning Concept: Your Systems Make Up Your Business Plan
For years, my business planning resources for agents and managers have taken them past the numbers to help them create the related, systematic actions they need to take each day to reach their goals.A� (See The Business Planning System for the Real Estate Professional and Business Planning for the Owner, Manager, and Team Leader). Then, I read a concept that sums up my approach.
Gerber: A Management Consultant Master
This concept is from Michael Gerber, the small business guru and author of the famous books, The E-Myth and The E-Myth Revisited. (I highly recommend you read both of these). He says,
the integration of your systems is your business plan
What he means by that statement: As you think through how youa��re going to act each day, youa��re going to create systems and processes, including your operational checklistsa��so you can follow the plan.
People Development Systems is Key to Attaining Next Level Goals
You may have systems in the financial/technical arena. You may have systems in the operational area. But, do you have systems in the most important area for your growth? You need a�?people development Sytems.a�? These systems put down in black and white how youa��ll recruit, how youa��ll select, how you orientate, how youa��ll train, how youa��ll coach.
Want a list of systems you need? Click here.
Creating Systems: The First Step in Growing Your Business to Sell
In our coaching programs,A� we help agents and leadership analyze the systems they have in place, and prioritize the systems they want to get up and running. We integrate this concept of systematization into their business plans. Therea��s a huge bonus in creating a business plan based on the integration of your systems. One of our biggest concerns in our industry is time management. Creating systems that are delegatable takes us out of the a�?crisis managementa�� realm and put us into the pro-active, business-building arena. Why not make your business plan systematized and executable?
The easy way to get leadership systems: Want leadership actions you can put immediately into practice with confidence? Take a look at my subscription series for anyone who wants to step further into leadership: 365 Leadership. You’ll get one leadership action per month that you can put to work in your real estate office. Read what attendees are saying about the program at 365A�Leadership.A� Join us. It’s profitable and it’s fun–and it’s very affordable!