Here’s how not to have an out-of-control classroom!
In an earlier blog, I gave you some tips to controlling audiences. There’s no reason your class attendees should feel the class is out of control. After all, it’s up to us to keep that class interested, interesting, and moving. Here are more tips to do just that.
- Limit the general discussion. You are behind time (You did time your class and put your time frame on your outline, didn’t you?). You see 5 hands raised and you need to move on. Here’s the phrase:
We have time for 2 more questions.
2. Stop the chatty Kathys. There are a few techniques you can use that work.
Walk away from Kathy so she can’t catch your eye and/or wave her hand in your face.
Ask each person to write it down first. (stops the hand jerking into the air!)
Ask the person to tell another person, not the whole group.
Ask for feedback this way: What did you hear {your work partner} say that you really liked?
Quit teaching only from the front of the room. Be sure you can walk down the aisle, and, if you have a mike, it allows you to do so. Making eye contact and respecting the learners in all parts of the room is graceful and effective.
Handling Really Tough Situations
Sometimes, once in a great while, someone just has a meltdown. If that happens, take a short break. Take that person out of the class (never, ever address a concern in front of others, or try to rival a stand-up comedian, the sarcastic but always funny Don Rickles. You aren’t and you’ll lose). Use this dialogue when you get that person alone:
“I’m feeling badly {be sure and use the word feeling} about what’s going on in there. What can I do to make this a good learning experience for you?” Or, “We need to move ahead and can’t seem to do so. What can I do for you so we can move ahead together?”
When all else fails, personally and privately invite that person out of the class.
Who is Important?
The learning of the majority of the class is what is important. It’s up to you as training/facilitator/presenter to gain and use the skills that assure a great course experience. In my opinion, it’s not the ‘student’s fault he/she is successful at disrupting the class (most of the time!). It’s the inability of the instructor to artfully use the strategies above to defuse the situation.
Keep honing those skills, and thank you for dedicating your experience to our industry!
P. S. Don’t forget to gain 42 Innovative Presentation Methods that increase your effectiveness, click here.
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