At the end of March, I’ll be doing 2 presentations for Coldwell Banker Mexico–in Mexico City. One of these presentations is a workshop for their leadership. I’ve been with them twice before, and we’ve been working on great coaching skills.A� This time, I’m going to be focusing with them on coaching the under-performing agent. Is there anyA� of us who DOESN’T have a least a few under-achieving agents in our offices?!!!!
We all have the best of intentions when we coach. Yet, few of us are trained as coaches. So, we tend to follow the coaching approaches of those we know. Or, we may never have had a coach (it’s amazing how few real estate professionals–including those in leadership–have never been coached!).A� Some of these approaches may actually hurt the productivity of the agent, not help it.
Some of the Most Agregious Coaching Mistakes
Are you ever experienced these coaching mistakes? I certainly have–first as a pianist and later as a real estate agent and manager. I thought I was fortunate to get a teaching assistantship at UCLA, which helped me pay for graduate school. While there, I got into a piano master class. Although I felt grateful to get into the class, I found the teacher maddening and frustrating. Why? He set no standards and gave no feedback. The only feedback I remember is, after I finished playing a piece, he said “You played it well, but not right.” Now, you sit on the piano bench. Having listened to that feedback, what would you do? How would you play it again? What would you change?
The Game of ‘Gotcha’
When you don’t give specific, encouraging feedback, you put the performer at a huge disadvantage. He/she just doesn’t know what to change. That indecision leads to lack of confidence, and that leads to worse performance. Hopefully, you have a specific game plan to coach to, that guides you in providing positive, precise feedback for better performance.
Most People Have a Negative Connotation about Coaching
Why? Because they have been coached poorly. Be sure you’re abiding by great coaching principles!
What have you experienced that gave you a ‘bad taste’ about coaching?
A Program With All the Right Coaching Elements Built In
It’s so easy to make costly mistakes when you implement a coaching program–and people don’t realize it. So, I’ve built a program for agents that precisely and positively guides them to their first sales and beyond. Check out Up and Running in Real Estate. It would take you years to just create the program–and dozens of hours a week to teach it. Instead, let me do the ‘heavy lifting’ and you can do what’s best for you–coaching your agent to the plan. Check it out here.
I’ve also made a section calledA�Coaches’ Corner, to provide you all the coaching tools I’ve learned, first, as pianist, from age 4, and then as a real estate manager, trainer, and coach. Let me help you go faster and leverage your agents’ productivity. Check out the program here and become a certified coach through your membership in Coaches’ Corner.
This spring I’m offering greatly reduced registration prices, too, to Coaches’ Corner, when you register several agents in the program.