I just did a keynote for our WCR chapter. In it, I asked attendees to defineA� a�?new normala��. Everyone is talking about it, but, what is it? And, more important, what are three habits of the agent who will thrive in that a�?new normala�� of 2011? Are you hiring to these a�?new normala�� traits? Or, are you trying to get the agents who thrived in an a�?on firea�� market to work in this new atmosphere?
My definition of the a�?new normala��:
A real estate market where practicing real estate successfully requires a much higher level of dedication and mastery than in an a�?on firea�� market.
To create even a median business, the agent must act like the mega-agent acts– in any market. That means:
- The median agent must pro-actively lead generate (cana��t wait for leads as they were able to do in an a�?on firea�� market)
- The median agent must be practiced and packaged (must have good sales skills and presentations)
- The median agent must devote more than 30 hours a week to selling real estate (the consumer has rejected the part-timer)
- The median agent must have an active database
- The median agent must come to work every day
Managers: Reading this, do you believe success waits for the non-committed part-timer in this a�?new normala�� atmosphere?
Do you believe the part-timer can deliver what the consumer expects? In later blogs Ia��ll share with you the consumer expectations and ratings of today. Could it be hurting you to retain these part-timers?
In my next blogs, Ia��ll be showing you the traits of the a�?new normala�� agent. What do you think they should be? Should you raise your hiring standards to assure those you hire succeed?
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