Do you have agents in your office who have lost that spark, that enthusiasm? It happens to almost everyone at some point in their careers.A� You can help them re-discover their motivation and set them back on the success track.
The ‘Mature’ Career Phase
With real estate practice changing so dramatically–so fast–I think, for companies, offices, managers, and agents, this ‘mature’ phase is the most dangerous.A� The danger of lulling ourselves into complacency in our ‘mature phase’ is that, without our knowing it, we have slipped into decline.A� So, to find out if agents are in the mature phase, ask them to ask themselves:
- Am I relying almost solely on old customers and clients to send me referrals? (and am I waiting for them?)
- A�Am I relying almost solely on my reputation to list properties at the right price?A�
- Am I losing listings, or pricing them too high, when I do not have strong enough credibility with sellers?A�
- Am I resisting putting my credibility statements in writing (and/or my marketing program) because I rarely need to establish my credibility?A�
- Have I introduced a new business practice into my business in the last two years?A�
- Have I looked at my business as though I was a new agent–in the last two years?
- WhatA�is my attitude about technology?A� Am I waiting for it to ‘go away’?
- If I had to sell my business tomorrow, could I?A� (Do I have the systems in place that someone could take over?A� Do I have my database in top condition?A� Do I have all my marketing programs running at full speed?)
The Beauty of Self-Discovery
Why are you asking the agent to ask themselves those questions? When you tell someone something, there’s a big chance they will reject it. When you let them self-discover, they will much more readily ‘see’ what’s going on, and accept it. That’s the first step toward adopting new behaviors.
A�The Mature Agenta��s Need: Re-generation and Motivation*
How does one re-generate oneself and motivate oneself again?A� For the mature agent, it is putting those talents and skills to work for others.A�A�They need appreciation and compliments.A�A�They need to knowA�they are needed.A� Theyneed to knowA�they are making a difference.A� Consider finding out their talents and arranging for them toA�teach and coach others, take part in RealtorA� events, and/or gain a leadership role in your company.A� It is time forA�them to flex those dormant leadership skills, which will re-energizeA�them and their careers.
How to Guide Them Through the Re-Generation Process
*For a complete guide on helping agents re-energizeA� careers, see the Managers On Track to Success in 30 Days System for Experienced Agents, only for the seasoned agent, which includes a 4-week re-generation plan for dramatically increasingA�business–and a coaching guide for managers.