Managers: What’s your ideal training–get started NOWA� program for new agents? What do you want your new agents to be able to do by the end of their first month in the business? How competent do you want them to be?

I’m working on the fourth edition of Up and Running in 30 Days, the new agent’s start-up plan. The program is designed to get an agent a sale in 30 days. It has a bit of training in it, so the agent gets the ‘how’ along with the ‘what’.A� In addition to that book, I’ll be doing a ‘version’ of it that will be very interactive, with me as coach. So, I want to know from you, both manages and agents, what you’d like to see in your ideal program for the new agent?

Here are questions I’d love to get feedback on so I can create the program that would work best for you:

1. What’s the major concern you have right now about the program you’re using?

2. Is the program you’re using designed to get the agent a sale in 30 days? If not, what is it designed to do?

3. What’s the best thing about your present training/coaching program?

4. What would you like to see in a start-up/training and coaching program for the new agent?

5. For agents under a year in the business (if you’re reading this as a manager, please ask your agents this question): What do you wish would have been in your training program?A� How could it have helped you get a sale sooner?

6. Coaching: What do you want that enables you to coach to the agent’s success better?

Please let me know by commenting on this blog. I want to make this program stunningly successful for both new agents and managers.

In my next blog, I’ll tell you some of my ideas about how I can ‘take the load off’ managers, and provide much of the coaching and accountability myself in this new version of this very successful program. Thanks in advance for your comments!\