Do you know the major red flags that can pop up in your interview process?
For the last few blogs, I’ve been blogging about that all-important interview process. We’ve talked about the dangers of ignoring the red flags. We’ve investigated how to discover those red flags. [ctt template=”3″ link=”Xy90c” via=”yes” ]I’ll bet you have certain red flags that pop up during the selection process that drive you nuts. I do, too. These include the following comments from the candidate:[/ctt]
I just want to hang my license (usually stated over the phone; my response is that I want to hang them…)
What are your commissions? If stated in the first five minutes of the interview (I’ve never interviewed an agent I hired who started the interview that way)
I want a special deal. –also usually stated in the first five minutes of the interview, or even over the phone (what makes them so ‘special’?)
Personally, I have never interviewed a candidate who was a a fit with one of my offices when they led with these questions.
Are these red flags to you? If not, why not?
Other Red Flags
The candidate won’t fill out any paperwork (pre-appointment questionnaire or application)
They drop in and expect me to drop everything to meet with them (they must think we managers just sit around waiting for Their Excellencies to show up)
They’re late to the interview just don’t show up!
They obviously didn’t make an effort to dress in business attire for the interview (I realize this varies greatly by area, but you can tell if the person made an effort).
Specific Red Flags To Notice in the Interview Itself
They won’t answer my questions, or, when they answer, they answer as though it was a question for me to acknowledge
They won’t let me set the structure and tone of the interview (they immediately want to know what I will do for them)
They say they don’t know their production for the past year with any metrics (or, if they do, they won’t share it)
They defend their low production and/or are accepting of a few transactions a year.
They don’t have an idea of how they will change their production for the better.
They seem enamored with the companies that have already hired them in a 15-minute a interview (low self-esteem, anyone?)
They have been sold on the companies that tell them they will provide them leads.
They want to be hired on the spot. They’re not willing to do a 2-interview process, even when I explain the benefits to them.
As you can tell from my red flags, my values and vision drive my judgement about these candidates.
What are your Red Flags?
One broker’s red flags may be another broker’s acceptable standards. What are yours? List five red flags or knock-out factors. What process or system do you have to discover them? Decide whether you would absolutely not hire an agent who demonstrated that behavior, or whether it was a minor flag. Finally, how many of those minor red flags do you need to identify before you rule that candidate not suitable for your team?
Want to streamline your selection process and recruit more winners? Check out Your Blueprint to Selecting Winners. I’ll give you great questions to ask. But, better than that, I’ll show you how to craft questions to discover exactly what YOU”RE looking for.