How good are your agents at managing their attitudes? Did you ever think about that, or think you’d need to manage that–or that they would need to consciously manage their attitudes?
I’ve just published the 5th edition of Up and Running in 30 Days. In it, I’ve included lots of up-to-the-minute updates. You can read some of them, in these blogs.
Click here to see the updates in my fifth edition of Up and Running in 30 Days.
Below is an excerpt from the newest edition of the book.
Wea��ve talked about your managing your Up and Running plan. Thata��s the a�?hard sidea�? of the businessa��the facts, figures, and activities. However, therea��s something else you must manage: the a�?soft sidea�? of the businessa��your attitude.
How Our Attitudes Change with the Challenge
One of the things we managers love about a new agent is the enthusiasm with which they start. Youa��re excited to jump into sales. Sometimes youa��re even overconfident. You tell us managers you are tenacious and that you can handle rejection. You describe yourself as a self-starter; you assure us you can motivate yourself. Then, reality takes over. Youa��ve always thought of yourself as a good communicator.
When You Start Lead Generating….Attitude Counts!
However, as you lead generate, you find it difficult to convince people to work with you. People somehow create many ways to reject you. Youa��ve always liked people, and you sense they like you. Yet they act differently with you now that youa��re in sales. People make up stories to avoid you, say they a�?have a friend in the business,a�? secure information from you but do not give you information, promise to meet with you at the officea��but dona��t show up. You experience these feelings:
Your image of yourself is tested. Who is the real you? The one who feels confident and tenacious and is a self-starter? Or the one who feels rejected, frustrated, inadequate, and full of self-doubt? Your attitude about the businessa��and yourselfa��is in danger of shifting from positive to negative.
* Big Idea: The best way to change your attitude from negative to positive is to get a sale.
Attitudes are Fast-Change Artists
Attitudes can change in seconds.a��Each day, hour, and minute, you evaluate your feelings about the business. Your experiences as you perform the activities in this plan fuel this evaluation. Your conclusions are based on your personal belief system. Ita��s not the activities that cause you to have a certain attitude about the business, but the conclusions you draw from your experiences with these activities. Leta��s say you have knocked on 50 doors without getting a lead. What do you conclude? Agents who will fail conclude that a�?this wona��t work in this area.a�? Agents who will succeed imagine themselves one step closer to a lead with every rejection. These agents realize that they must experience many rejections to get success.
* Big Idea: Tenacity is the one character attribute that is 99 percent of an agenta��s success.
* Big Idea: My survey {of hundreds of new agents} showed the majority of new agents expect a sale in the first month. Not getting one puts their attitude in the dumper. Protection plan against an a�?in the dumper attitudea�?: go out and talk to lots of peoplea��fast. That is, lead generate!
Do You Provide Your Agents with a Proven Start-Up Plan with Attitude Advice Built In?
Up and Running in 30 DaysA� has lots of up-to-the-minute updates. Plus, a proven, prioritized business start-up plan with inspiration, motivation, and action items built in. You can coach to the start-up plan, and see great results fast from your agents.