Create confidence in real estate
I’ll bet you’re helping your agents create 2024 business plans. Are they including the ‘gratitude’ component? This is the time of year agents can reach out to say ‘thank you’–and make those contacts project to a great 2024. See the 23 ideas below and coach your agents to show gratitude!
23 Ways to Show your Gratitude–and Assure a great 2024!
I  know. Agents hate to cold call. Agents hate to be ‘salesy’…..we’ve all felt that way. But, how can agents let clients know you care about them? That you care MORE than that commission you got (or are planning to get?). Sadly, only 33% of agents ever even go back after closing! Don’t be one of those agents that takes the money and runs.

Give Gratitude This Time of Year

Want to feel really good about selling real estate? Want to set up your 2024 so you’re off and running to a great year? Here’s how.

Thank your clients and would-be clients with some action. It doesn’t have to cost you lots of money. It just has to show them you care about them.

Here’s a great article from Jimmy Burgess for Inman, that gives you 23 ways to show gratitude–at this time of year and all year.

Right Back at ‘Cha….My Gratitude Gift to You

Email me the action you are taking this time of year to express your caring for your clients.

Include your physical mail address (this is a hard copy book), and I’ll send you my Big Ideas in a Little Book. It’s full of inspirational truisms and sales tips (makes a great gift, too….).

Don’t forget to grab the 23 Ways.….