Here are four ways to avoid boring them to tears in a training session.
I just sat in on a training session for new real estate agents, and I had trouble sitting there. Why? Because the presenter was using almost all lecture. Yes, the agents were listening intently. Yes, they seemed eager to learn. But, that lecture was not helping them learn. They needed to get involved!
Not only that, the students were new real estate agents, scared of a new career in which everything was up to them! They needed exercises to get confidence, to create ‘buddies’, and to meld as a team.
So, instead of lecturing, try breaking up your presenter-directed lecture with these techniques:
- Do a warm-up to loosen up everyone, teamify, have fun, and show that it’s going to be an exciting, fun-filled, course (more about how to do a warm-up in another blog).
- Instead of asking a question and letting people raise their hands to answer, turn it over to the group, and work in small groups to come up with answers. Then, name a reporter and compare answers (this is the task force, which I’ll also blog about later). This makes it much more interesting to the people, they get to know each other, and they gain confidence that then can come up with good answers.
- Pair up people to have them compare opinions, thoughts, and answers. You’ll be starting the buddy system now.
- Use accountability: Do you have it built in? You’ll want to build in assignments to complete so the students are learning in the field. That way, they’ll pay much more attention to you and learn a lot more.
Your turn: [ctt template=”3″ link=”dgL25″ via=”yes” ]Are you involving your group, teamifying, building confidence, and handing the accountability for learning over to them? [/ctt]How can you use these methods to wake up your students, get them involved, and get them learning at a much higher level?