Is your interview process gaining the kind of agents you want? Or, are you unpleasantly surprised ‘after the fact’?
The scene: You have been waiting all week with baited breath for that desired candidate to keep his appointment with you. Now youa��re in the interview. Everything seems to be going fine, untila��A�
You get an uneasy feeling. Ita��s just a a�?guta�� response. You cana��t put your finger on it. Yet, this candidate has been recommended to you. Hea��s a top producer. You need him. Other companies have been wooing him. So, you ignore your gut and keep going.A�
Sound familiar? Wea��ve all been there. We are enamored with that candidate. We really, really need his production. Our competitive nature comes to the fore when we learn other companies are vying for this very agent. So, we dona��t pay attention to the a�?red flagsa�� that are being waved in front of our face. In the next fewA�blogs, we’ll investigate those ‘red flags’–and I’ll ask you to share with me YOUR red flags, too.A�
What are a�?red flagsa��?A�
The term a�?red flagsa�� has been around our industry for years. Literally, a�?red flagsa�� are indicators you observe which may be a�?knock-outa�� factors for that candidate. Or, taken one at a time, they are warning flags. They indicate a candidate doesna��t fit the profile of the kind of agent youa��re looking for.A�
Some Indicators that Wea��ve Been Ignoring Red FlagsA�
From consumer feedback and sales statistics, seems to me we have been ignoring the red flag concept in our hiring practices lately. Why do I draw that conclusion? One reason is that 65% of agents today are part-timers. Now, you may decide to hire a part-timer on purpose. But, Ia��ll bet youa��ve hired several agents in the past year who didna��t reveal to you they had a full-time job (and it wasna��t selling real estatea��). You thought you had hired someone who would start a�?up and runninga��, but, instead, you hired someone who is slow and crawlinga��if moving at all!
Consumer Feedback Indicates our Red Flag ‘Ignorance’A�
Another clue that wea��re not paying attention to those red flags is the consumer feedback. In a recent survey of buyers, the California Association of Realtorsa�� survey found that buyers rated their buyersa�� agents at an all-time low: an overall satisfaction rate of a lousy 4%! Yes. Thata��s right. Not 40%–but 4%. You and I know thata��s too low to get return business. Ita��s too low to maintain any type of attractive commissions. So, ita��s time to bring that a�?red flaga�� concept back and practice it to protect our businesses.
What ‘red flags’ do you note? How have you been ‘snookered’?
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