What do you coach to in your agents’ business plans? I have a list here to help you assess the effectiveness of each of your agent’s plans. Get it in this blog.

Through December, I’m focusing my blogs on business planning. You’ll also find ready-to-use checklists, processes and systems in this blog and my blog for agents, Up and Running in 30 Days.

3 men and women working at tableWhat percent of agents have business plans? From my surveying, I think less than 10%. Yet, we all know we want our agents to have plans. Why don’t they? I think a big reason is that we, as managers, don’t make the assumption that each agent HAS a business plan–and then act in a way that makes that come true.

A Message to Those Who Have Decided to Lead the Charge to Business Planning

You’ve decided that each of your agents will have a plan–and you’ll coach them to that plan. But, what do you watch for?

Click here to get my list of what should be in each agent’s business plan.

What are Common Agent Planning Mistakes?

Besides looking for what should be in a plan, you’ll also want to recognize common planning mistakes. From coaching hundreds of agents through the planning process, I know the common mistakes they make. Here’s my list:

Click here.

Let me know how these lists work for you. I’ve found that I had to be a very active leader and participant in the planning process to get my agents to create a plan. Then, I had to help them monitor, measure, and make adjustments. That way, I became an proactive participant with them in the process and the results. I became their coach.

Plan_Act_CelebrateGet More Business Planning Help Here

Take a look at the 2 webinars I did on business planning. There’s one for leadership and one for agents. I hope you’ll get both information AND inspiration!

Click here to see them.

Looking for a business planning systems that really covers the bases? Check out my online program, Beyond the Basics of Business Planning.