If youa��ve ever done much training, youa��ve probably been in one of these situations:
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Someone in the back of the room is carrying on a conversation (entertaining to those around them) with a a�?buddya�� back there
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� A discussion drags ona��and on—and ona��and you cana��t seem to facilitate your way out of it
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� a�?Miss Piggya�� dominates a discussiona��and everyone else gets angry; you dona��t know how to stop acknowledging her
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� You attempt to get people into groups and some people just wona��t go
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� Therea��s one person in your audience who takes issue about everything you saya��and lets you know it
- A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� People get bored and start talkinga��or walk out!!!!!!!
For about 20 years, Ia��ve taught Instructor Development Workshop to accredit real estate instructors in Washington state to teach clock-hour approved courses. One of the most common questions is, a�?How do I keep them interested and handle tough situations?a�?
Two Principles to Solve Your a�?Controla�� Issues
Most of the problems we get ourselves into as trainers/facilitators/presenters happen when wea��re talkinga��or wea��re attempting to teach through general discussion. If youa��re one who relies only on the a�?delivery methodsa�� (how we teach) of lecture or discussion, youa��re letting yourself get put into a box. Instead,
1.A�A�A�A�A� Divide and conquer
Utilize those other delivery methodsa��like case study, task force, and role play. Why? Because they put people into small groups and have THEM talking. And, you know how real estate professionals like to talk. That lets off some steam and helps them put forth their point of view.
What are you doing while theya��re talking? Youa��re walking around, getting close, and listening. Try it. Just getting close straightens people up! (Think about how you handle the kidsa��)
You may have experienced a role play from hell, or a stupid task force. They happen. Why? Because the facilitator wasna��t skilled in organizing these groups. There are several skills involved in facilitating these delivery methods to work right. If you need information on how to teach using these a�?alternative delivery methodsa��, take a look at The Ultimate Real Estate Trainera��s Guide.
2.A�A�A�A�A� a�?Upa�� the accountability
When you a�?divide and conquera��, you put more of the accountability for learning into the a�?studenta��sa�� hands. After all, they are accountable for their learning, arena��t they? Why should you carry the whole load?A�A� People learn from each other. They learn by doing. They learn by listening (and not just from you.) Take advantage of the truisms of adult learning and flex your delivery style. Give your learners some respect and accountability to facilitate their own, and othersa�� learning.
Some ideas for you: For my list of 42 Innovative Presentation Methods that increase your effectiveness, click here.
What are your biggest control issues? How do you handle them?
Gain New Training Techniques; ‘Up’ Your Confidence!
It’s harder than ever to provide effective training today. So, we need all the new strategies we can get! The Ultimate Real Estate Trainer’s Guide helps you through all types of situations, and provides dozens of ideas for you to use. See it here. 164 pages/4 audio CDs. A� $129.95 plus shipping.A� Click here to find out more.
Step-by-Step How To Train with New Techniques
Learn the 6-step process to create a great workshop, so you can create your own training workshop. Grasp the 3-part process to create a persuasive presentation to motivate your associates. Youa��ll get the most common mistakes trainers makea��and how to avoid them.
30 Checklists and Outlines
Over 30 documents, checklists, and outlines you can immediately use with confidence, including
a�? A a�?cheat sheeta�� to put together a workshop in 10 minutes
a�? 2 ready-to-use teaching outlines
a�? An example of a student outline and a coordinating teaching outline (use as a guide to submit your outline to your Dept. of Licensing)
a�? 28 speakera��s tips
a�? Example of a training calendar
a�? A student evaluation form
a�? How to get students to attend: An effective marketing flyer
a�? 10 minute system to create a 1-3 hour training sessiona��one that works!
a�? Worksheet: How to create an in-office workshop
a�? 5 methods to build in student accountability and measurable results
a�? 6 ways to lose your a�?stage frighta��
a�? 6 ways to keep the audiencea��s attention
a�? 10 methods to a�?control troublemakersa�� in your audience
a�? 15 forms, systems and processes to create better training
a�? How to assure theya��ll participate in your training session
a�? How to build learning theory into your practical workshops
a�? How to avoid talking through an hour
a�? Attributes of effective new agent training
a�? Attributes of effective experienced agent training
a�? How to a�?timea�� your presentations so you end on time
a�? The 6 steps to build a workshop