Do you use a planned, consistent interview process? If you do, you will easily discover those a�?red flaga�� areas–those areas you must double-check to assure that candidate is qualified to work with you. If you dona��t use a consistent interview process–when every interview is a a�?wing-ita�� experiencea��youa��re constantly thinking about what to do next. We cana��t pay attention to those red flags which pop up and wave themselves in our faces. Wea��re seduced, too, by what we perceive as the candidatea��s attractiveness for us, and we tend to ignore those red flags. If you’ve ever hired someone, and then discovered, that person had a ‘secret’ he kept from you in the interview, you know what I mean!
Methods to Discover those Very Important ‘Red Flags’A�
Here are some methods you can build into your interview process to avoid those costly hiring mistakes:A�
- Use an application consistently, or at least ask the candidate to answer some questions in writing (have all questionnaires approved by an attorney to assure they consist of legal questions)
- Ask the prospective candidate to complete some tasks prior to the interview, so you know if the are willing to make you a�?leadera�� and learn from you
- Create a professional interview process you follow consistently*
- Create a�?behavioral predictora�� questions (questions based on their past) and practice those questions until you are a master at them
- Use a behavioral profile (like the DISC) to check your observations and learn more about the candidate. Learn how to a�?validatea�� the behavioral profile with the candidate.
- Quit being in a hurry to hire every candidate, and choose those candidates more carefully. After all, they reflect your vision and values.A�A�
For a copy of my 8-step interview process, click here.A�
What a Systematized Interview Process Does for YouA�
You will not only hire better candidates, you will avoid those awful a�?surprisesa�� after committing to that agent (and Ia��ve had some doozies, as you probably have had, too). You will gain the respect of your team, because you arena��t giving them a problem, but a solution. You will find hiring winners easier, because that candidate is judging your competency as an interviewer and leader at the same time you are judging that candidatea��s appropriateness for your team.A�
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For in-depth how tos in these four sins to saint status, seeA� Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners.A�
A $40 value, the Blueprint is FREE to those recruiters who purchase The Complete Recruiter. Plus, get The Complete Recuiter at $30 offA� (regularly $129.95, now $99.95) AND my new eBook on recruiting, From Romance to Reality. Order now and save $70+. This offer expiresA�Mar. 31, 2012.A�Click here for more information.