Most managers are surprised, when they start managing–with the demands of their new job. Many times, they didna��t know they would be expected to recruit! One manager I was coaching in a group, told me his owner assured him he wouldna��t have to recruit. Then, a couple of years into the job, the owner hired me to teach the managers recruiting skills. Boy, that was an interesting situationa��.As you can imagine, the manager felt betrayed. At least he learned to trust me enough to confide in his quandary.
A�In fact, managers typically thought they could stop lead generating when they became managers. Not so fast. Recruiting is job # 1 in a managera��s job description.
A�Where are the Recruiting Systems?
A�Some managers expect to walk right into an office and put those recruiting systems in place to work. You can imagine how surprised they are when they find out there are no systems to aid in recruiting. And, without systems, recruiting becomes way too daunting a task. Especially, too, if youa��re a new manager and have no clue how to recruit!
A�How Managers Cope
A�In fact, many managers push it further a�?down the daya��, until exhausted and beaten down by the demands of their job, they say they just dona��t have time to recruit.
A�Systems Solve All Those Problems
A�You know that systems gain us time. They allow us to prepare prior to a crisis situation. Systems are also teaching tools. We follow systems to learn how to do something. Systems create great habits. For our discussion today, Ia��m going to divide recruiting systems into external and internal.
A�External Recruting Systems
A�Perhaps youa��ve used recruiting lead generating companies in the past. Those companies either supply you leads, or supply you cards to send to your recruits. Thata��s great. Those are systems. But, Ia��m not talking about those a�?externala�� systems. Ia��m talking about a whole other group of systemsa��internal systemsa��those systems you develop to a�?runa�� your recruiting plan.
A�A Day in the Life
A�Youa��ve seen agents in constant upheaval without systems. They get a listing appointment, and they run around attempting to put together a package or presentation. Youa��re constantly telling them to prepare, systematize, and package their presentations so theya��re ready at the drop of a hat.
A�Okay. How systematized are you in your recruiting? It’s just like the agents’ lead generating, right? Are you always ready when that recruit shows up? Do you have the packages in place to show that recruit that you are really professional. Or, like the agent, do you run around trying at the last minute to get your act together?
A�A Successful Recruitera��s Tools and Systems
A�Successful recruiters organize their recruiting and selecting processes just like successful agents do. You need:
A�1. A database and contact management software
A�2. Folders for each candidate (enough pre-set up files for one montha��s interviewing)
A�3. A system to pre-screen, interview, and choose the right candidates
A�4. The recruiting packages to support your efforts
A�You can delegate the packaging and systematization to an assistant, so you can do the important activities to build your company: Recruiting, face to face interviewing and selection!
A�In my next few blogs, Ia��ll break down what goes into each package and system.