Dearborn Education Company just released my 5th edition (!) of Up and Running in 30 Days. This book is literally the new agenta��s business start-up plan. In addition, Ia��ve provided lots of training and advice to assure new agents know what to do and how to do it.
One of the updates in this edition is the technology new agents really needa��and what they dona��t need, so they dona��t waste their previous dollars!
What My Technology Experts Told Me
Use technology to support your dynamic business. The easiest way to organize the names of prospects and clients is on a computer. If youa��re not in the technology world nowa��jump in. Youa��ll need technology to do the following (these are not my priorities, just a list):
Technology Recommendations from Up and Running
Use technology to support your dynamic business. The easiest way to organize the names of prospects and clients is on a computer. If youa��re not in the technology world nowa��jump in. Youa��ll need technology to do the following (these are not my priorities, just a list):
- Work from wherever you are with a laptop so you can find properties, do market analysis, and create presentations anywhere, anytime
- Organize your prospects, clients, and affiliates (such as mortgage lenders) in a database (if youa��re not extremely computer literate, start with Microsoft Outlook, which almost everyone already has on their computers)
- Organize your follow-up programs for specific target markets viaA� client relationship management (CRM)
- Capture and follow up on your Internet leads with Internet lead follow-A�up technology designed for that purpose
- Measure your progress to your goals with specific software
- Keep in contact with your customers via cell phone and pager (you will find it truly amazing how few agents return phone calls)
- Carry your contacts (database), schedule, and so on with you on a personal digital assistant
- Create a personal Web site and/or blog that promotes you and/or provides your prospects and clients access to information they value, such as updates on their property, marketing, or transaction progress
- Take pictures with a digital camera and add them to your Web site or your flyers
- Invest in a video flip camera so you can promote yourself and your listings via video
- Budget for your expenses, track expenses, and create, implement, and analyze your profit and loss statements with financial software (such as QuickBooks, Quicken, or Mint)
Note: See the References and Resources section in UP and Running in 30 Days A�for resources for these valuable tools. And, the reference section offers dozens of references for other software, training, etc.
Get Advice Before You Invest
These references include only a few of the technologies agents use in business. Before you buy anything, interview three technology-savvy, high-producing agents in your office and identify the technologies they consider important. Dona��t expect your real estate company to provide them, although seasoned agents within your organization may be willing to provide direction on the best use of technology. Also, see your manager for advice on the most up-to-date technology you need to perform.
Caveat: Dona��t run around buying every marketing program and tech tool from vendors. As Gary Richter, one of the newer, successful agents quoted in my book, advises: a�?There are many different programs and systems that vendors will try to sell to you as a new agent. Many overlap in capabilities. Pick one that works for you and stick with it.a�?
Take a look at what’s new in Up and Running in 30 Days:A� updates in 5th edition. This invaluable book is only $32.95 plus shipping, and has been used by thousands of new agents to launch successful careers. Order here.