Remember the Chinese water torture? Drip, drip, a drip at a time. That’s the key to recruiting successfully. Herea��s another a�?dripa��. Youa��ll want to provide your candidate after that first interviewA�another package with the information you think the candidate will find useful. Herea��s why:
We remember only 10% of what we heard three days later!
Unfortunately, candidates dona��t remember much of what we discuss in the interview. Or, they remember it wrongly. It seems easy to us, but, it becomes a muddle to them when they interview five companies in as many days. So, take the time to assemble what I call the a�?after first-visita�� package or post-interview process. In it, youa��ll reiterate important points, and again differentiate yourself and your company.
A�Systemize Like your Great Agents
Great agents assemble these packages for sellers and buyers. You are modeling the behaviors you want to teach the agent. You can explain the parallels in the interview process. This is a very strong recruiting strategy. The old adages
A�We believe what we see, not what we hear
A�Do as I do, not as I say
A�are true, as we know a�?in real lifea��.
In Your Post-First Visit (Post-Interview) PackageA�
Here is a sample list of the materials you may include in an after-first visit recruiting package. Note that some of the material is duplicating your pre-first visit package. Also, sometimes you wona��t have the opportunity to provide a pre-first visit package. Of course, youa��ll always have the ability to customize each package. However, ita��s much easier to do this from a prepared package than to start from scratch each time.
A�A�A�A�A�A� Letter from the manager explaining whata��s in the package
- A�A�A�A�A�A� Training calendar (you do have one, dona��t you?)
- A�A�A�A�A�A� Training brochure
- A�A�A�A�A�A� Company/office/manager story
- A�A�A�A�A� Attractive company/office/manager statistics
- A�A�A�A�A�A� Articles featuring company/manager
- A�A�A�A�A�A� Costs of affiliating A�with explanations
A�Bottom Line: Youa��re Proving your Competency to Each Candidate With Every Recruiting Process You Do
A�Well-assembled packages reflect clear thought processes. Merely putting these together will clarify your recruiting and selection story. It will help you figure out and communicate your culture and values. It will provide you differentiation and memorability. It says to the candidate, a�?I prepared for you. Your time is valuable. I am here to dedicate my skills and talents to help you develop your business.a�?
A�You will recruit more and better agents, you will save time, and you will be able to delegate or a�?clonea�� yourself by hiring a manager or recruiter when the need arises.
For a checklist of recruiting processes and systems needed, click here.
Want to avoid re-inventing the wheel? Check out my recruiting resources here.A�A�A�A�