At the end of this blog, I’m providing you a checklist of the systems you need. See how prepared you are!
When you look at allA�the organization required to systematize your recruiting, it can be daunting. So, why not start with the packages?A� Here are the packages you need:A�
- A�Folders to hold all selection materials/processes for each agent interviewed
- Pre-first visit package (sent prior to the interview)
- Your interview process (application, your analysis forms, interview format, questions, etc.)
- Visual recruiting presentation
- A�After first visit recruiting package
Why are these packages important?A�It takes six to eight times of meeting someone before you remember that person. In some sense, recruiting is like what one of my old bosses called the Chinese water torture: You must just keep dripping, dripping, and dripping on the candidate so you are
- A�memorable
- A�perceived as more professional than others the candidate will be interviewing
A�Savvier Candidates Require Savvier Recruiting Organization
Assembling and using these packages shows your candidate that you are organized, interested, and dedicateda��both as a manager, and in helping that person create a viable career. A few months ago Charles Dahlheimer wrote an excellent article in The Real Estate Professional– an analysis of 2010. In it, he noted that more college-educated people are coming into real estate today. You can read the whole article here.A� Because these candidates are more educated than before, ita��s important to present yourself in the same light as other professionals in other fields the candidate may interview. And, ita��s important that you create polished, well-thought-out packages that appeal to these candidates.
A�Start the Process: Just Throw a�?Possibilitiesa�� in a Folder
A�The best way, Ia��ve found, to create packages, is to first simply create a folder (either hard copy or on your computer), and start throwing possible inclusions for that package into the folder. Dona��t judge them! Judging them prematurely will not get you anywhere. As a musician, I know creativity is messy. In fact, the most inhibiting action to creativity, I think, is that we energetically critique every possibility when we try to construct something. So, too many times, we end up with not starting! Instead, squelch your impulse to judge anything until you have all your possibilities. After that, you can prune and prioritize. In my view, ANY prepared package is better than none!A�A�
A�Note: Because most recruiters dona��t have systems, any organization and system you have created with stand out.
A�Communicating your a�?Memorability Factora��
A�In the next blogs, I’ll go more deeply into what can go into some of these packages. Ia��m going to give you my recommendations for three packages. More importantly, though, you decide the overall messages you want to convey through these packages. As the candidate reads the package, what do you want them to think about you? What values and culture do you want to communicate? What objections do you want to anticipate via each package? What misconceptions do you want to correct?
A�For a checklist of recruiting processes and systems needed, click here.
Want to avoid re-inventing the wheel? Check out my recruiting resources here.A�A�A�A�