Is your phone voice driving them away? Recently, I did a presentation to a group of Luxury Agent Specialists. It was about sound and it’s impact on others. We usually think of visual impact. But, as agents, we come across way more people initially via email or phone than we do by sight. So, isn’t it time to polish your ‘phone voice’? It’s probably the first ‘warm’ impression people get of you (I call email ‘cold communication’ because it vastly shrinksA�the three major ways we communicate: sight, sound, and feeling).
Don’t Mistake Technology as the ‘End’A�
We are so focused on technology today, that we are in danger of forgetting to effectively use that technology. Herea��s an example. When I phone an agent today, I have no idea where that agent will answer his or her phonea��or from what phone the call is being answered. And, I dona��t really care. Technology allows the phone to follow the agent. Thata��s great.A�Herea��s whata��s not so great. The agenta��s message is so dull, powerless, or mumbled that it doesna��t sound as though the agent wants to talk to me. Or, the agenta��s message is so long, that Ia��m impatient by the time I get to leave the message.
Make a Superior Phone Message
For three days, listen carefully to the tone, intent, and messages your hear inA�phone messages. Listen carefully to how agents, managers, and your affiliates answer the phone at their offices. What do you think? If you didn’t know these people, what would you think of them? Are they excited to hear from you, or are they bored?
Here are 4 important tips to remember when recording your own message:
- Stand upa��youa��ll sound as though you have much more energy.
- Write out your script firsta��and be sure ita��s not too long. I dona��t really care where youa��re going to be all day!
- Modulate your voice pleasantly. Try to get some resonance.
- Sound as though youa��re looking forward to hearing from me!
Re-record Your Phone Message
Practice your phone message several times before you record it. Then, record and listen critically. Don’t just use the first recording. Make sure your ‘phone voice’ is the best first impression you can make.
P. S. Managers: Call each of your agents’ phone mails. What’s the impression you get? Are they professional? Do they state the company name? Do they represent your culture and image?
Create a quick class in phone messaging using the information in this blog.
Wasting Time Educating Too Much in Initial Interviews?
Why don’t you let me do the heavy lifting and answer those dozens of questions prospective agents ask? In my eBook, What They A�Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School,A�I answer hundreds of these questions–and give them the straight scoop on real estate as a career. There are also valuable self-assessment tools, too, to see if these would-be agents are good successful agent candidates. Order it and get it immediately–plus a unique checklist, Hit the Ground Running–what to do with that agent prior to their getting their real estate license. You’ll hire more winners who make more money fast!A�A�