Are most managers in ‘maintenance’ or are they taking leadership actions? Youa��ve probably read dozens of books about leadership. Youa��ve seen the videos. Too often, these consist of platitudes and a�?war storiesa�� about great leadership. Ita��s all about what a�?to bea��. But, unfortunately, that doesna��t get anything done. Just a�?beinga�� doesna��t move a group of people anywhere. In fact, ita��s confusing to hear some inspiring wordsa��and then not see any action. You know what I mean. For example: Today, Congressa��s approval rating with the American public is about 13%! Yet, we hear word after word from them. Ita��s certainly not the words that make the low approval rating. Ita��s the lack of meaningful action to solve Americaa��s problems.
How About some Leadership Actions to Solve your Challenges?
I just got a great little book on leadership, The Art of Leadership, by J. Donald Walters. In it, the author says,
The effective leader knows that an encyclopedia of good ideas is no substitute for even the least of those ideas put into actual practice.
Action creates creativity.
Managers need specific leadership strategies to implement to get those agents off their duffs, back into the field, and getting some wins. After all, we all know that a a�?wina�� is the only true motivator.
What Exactly are those Leadership Strategies?
How would you know youa��re executing a leadership strategy? They areA�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�
Planned, systematized processes
Involve small groups of agents
Created and implemented to solve specific problems
Consist of several actions over a specific period of time
Create a sense of community, empowerment, and focus
Not regular repetitive maintenance duties
We Know We Need to Lead. Why Dona��t We?
Wea��ve identified leadership activities. But, why dona��t we do more to implement? We go to meeting after meeting, conference after conference. We get gazillions of ideas. Then, we get back to our offices and do the same old things. Why?
No time to create the whole operation
Unclear or not confidence about how to implement
Afraid to take a risk
No support to fall back on
Dona��t want to embarrass ourselves in front of our agents!
Dona��t have perceived urgency to implement
Models Make Implementation Faster and Easier
To avoid the issues above, managers need models, encouragement, and some deadlines. From being in management longer than Ia��d like to admit, I know all the reasons behind failure to implement. So, Ia��ve just created a 12-part subscription coaching series that takes away the resistance above. Because of the specific concerns today, Ia��ve picked 12 of the most effective, easy to implement, immediately useful strategies Ia��ve done to share with those in 365 Leadership.
These strategies include:
Systematizing recruiting to get more done when you have no time (!)
Teamifying to get right-priced listings
Meetings that take advantage of the talents you and your team have–untapped
Opening up leadership to empower agents and get more on your teama��to retain your winners
Lead generation strategies to increase the number of leads your agents geta��an effective recruiting tool
Business planning integration to get all your agents effective business plansa��and bought into your company culture
These are just some of the strategies included in this all new subscription program.A� See more at http://365leadership.net.
Leaders will be those who empower others. Empowering leadership means
bringing out the energy and capabilities people have and getting them to work
together in a way they wouldna��t do otherwise.
a��Bill Gates, fellow Washingtonian
Having specific, proven leadership strategies to implement with confidence will move you past fear and maintenance to creative leadership. Recruiting and retention become automatic when youa��re creating a dynamic, exciting, creative environment.
What do you think? Are managers stuck in ‘maintenance’ or are they creating and implementing exciting leadership actions?