Here’s a great way to teach: the case study. It’s a technique almost every trainer/presenter can use to break up that monotomous and less than effective teaching method too many of us rely on–the lecture.
This month, I’m focusing on training and trainers. Why? Because you actually have the ability to change lives!
In my last blog, I provided a video on the case study.
What’s a case study?
A small group exercise that has people working on a ‘story problem’. This ‘story problem’ can be quite intricate and long. It should have elements that you’ve taught earlier. Usually, case studies are given toward the end of the course to put judgment to work and check learning. It has the ‘story problem’. Then, it asks students to make decisions about the ‘story’ based on what they’ve learned in your course.
Click here for an example of a case study I use when I teach Instructor Development Workshop.
Why Use a Case Study?
[ctt template=”3″ link=”4IZye” via=”yes” ]How do you know that what you’ve taught can be used in ‘real life’? The case study is an excellent way to ‘test’ whether students can use the principles and judgment you’ve provided during your course[/ctt]. It also tells you if you need to spend some time in certain areas.
Get More Great Reviews, Too!
The bonus for your using the case study? You’ll get more students really enjoying the course, learning better, and giving you great reviews!
Gain My Perspective on Teaching AND New Skills!
Want more teaching skills? Join me for one of my instructor workshops. They have 15 clock hours and fulfill the qualifications to become an instructor in Washington state for clock hour courses. The next one ‘live’ is coming up Oct. 3-4 in Bellevue. See more here.
Or, if you want to get certified to teach clock hour courses and learn great new teaching skills ‘on your own time’, check out my distance learning version of the course, Train the Trainer.
Have you already taken instructor courses? If so, you’ll love my advanced course, Beyond the Basics: Training Techniques to Make that Course Come Alive. We use your course and put exciting, innovative teaching methods into it so you gain confidence AND the skills to energize your courses. I’m teaching this course ‘live’ Oct. 23-24 in Bellevue (7.5 clock hours, too).