Okay. Leta��s face it. Ita��s difficult to get your agent to create that business plan. But, you know he/she needs one, right? In the next few blogs, Ia��ll give you the guidance you need to get workable plans for your agents. Herea��s the first tip:
Model the process.
What do I mean? Create your own plan, so you know how the process works. Most brokers don’t have business plans. No wonder they dona��t feel confident in helping their agents plan. So, your first step is to create your own plan. Your plan should include:
A review of your office for this last year. This is the step most planners leave outa��.so they dona��t get any a�?hintsa�� for the future from their own past! Thata��s like trying to market your product without knowing why people love it. A review will also give you a�?talking pointsa�� with your agents about their own plans. Especially look at these statistics:
- Number of listings taken to listings solda��in normal market time (you will look at this with your agent, too)
- Percentage of sales to listings sold (you will look at this with your agent, too)
Not Totally Confident in Answering All those Agent Questions?
Get some help. Ia��ve developed a business plan coaching series for brokers, to coach thema��and their agentsa��through the business planning process. It includes the 15 major planning documents from The Business Planning System for the Real Estate Professional, (at 20% off during November, too), a pre-coaching call with the broker, a webinar to teach the agents how to plan, and how to use the planning pages, and a follow-up webinar to check on how the agents are doing with their plans. Finally, therea��s a coaching eBook for the broker, to help the broker over any challenge areas.
Want to know more? Email me at [email protected], or complete the form and I’ll follow up with you: Click here.