Recruiting today depends on a new mindset. Here are four areas to a�?right turna�� your mindset:
- Hire to the ever more discriminating customer
According to the latest surveys, the client is not happy! We all know the client is more educated, more informed, and more demanding. We also know the client takes much longer to make a buying decision (from first Internet looks to decision take 9-28 months, according to industry leaders).
Your hires: Must be more dedicated and more tenacious to succeed.
2. Hire to a new business structure
The hire of today and tomorrow doesna��t want that old a�?exclusivea�� structure we all built. It wona��t work to say a�?You must be with us to succeed.a�? The desired structure is inclusive: Open, not hierarchical, and participative. So, drop the VP and the playing favorites to the old guard. They may be feeding you today, but theya��re dying tomorrowa��a��
Your hires: Want an inclusive atmosphere. That means more openness, independence, and diversity.
3. Hire to an interview process focused on the candidate.
The old a�?hard sella�� isna��t attractive to the hire of today and tomorrow. So, drop the 2-hour sales job and, instead, focus on getting to know the candidate.
Your hires: Get to really know each one in a well-crafted, question-focused interview process.
4. Hire as though you were actually excited to develop that individual.
The consumer is not impressed with the a�?fog the mirrora�� hiring method. The right turn is to be a�?solda�� enough on each new hire to help her create the skills and the career she wants. That means to focus on coaching and small group accountability training.
Your hires: Must want to, and be capable of, developing a career with your coaching and facilitation. Your clients expect that much.
Excerpted from Carla Crossa��s newest recruiting presentation and webinar, a�?Right Turnsa��: New Mindset and Strategies to Recruit to your Future.