Are you all systematized and ready for next year? In this world of lightning change, we managers are struggling to stay even–much less get ahead. In our business, changes are occurring so quickly that, just as we start to organize a process, new considerations appear. These new considerations are not only occurring more quickly than ever, the technology to organize them is evolving at warp speed. Since youa��re making your business plan for 2010 (you are, arena��t youa��.), ita��s a perfect time to see whether you are a�?up to speeda�� in your systemization.

A Different Definition of a Business Plan

I love Michael Gerbera��s definition of a business plan: a�?The sum of your systems is your business plan.a�? (Gerber is the author of the awesome business books, The E-Myth and The E-Myth Revisited.)

Two Systems Challenges for managers

A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 1. Create systems to manage processes through change

A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 2. Choose methods (including technology) to manage these systems

Let’s talk about the systems first. Good agents today have systems for each process they manage. For example, an agent has a listing process system, which includes the materials, packages, and checklists to manage the process. With those systems, agents can not only the manage the process, they can delegate the right activities to their assistants.

Agent Systems vs. Management Systems

Think about the systems, processes, and checklists you, as manager, recommend that your agent create to accomplish the critical tasks, or activities, in his business. Now, compare that with the tasks you, as manager, have to accomplish in your position as “people” manager. Work from the tasks to systems to manage these tasks. To prioritize the systems you want to develop, first:

A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 1. List the tasks you do as manager. Now, list the parallel the tasks agents do

A�An example: A critical task an agent does is to lead generate. Good agents have systematized that process into a marketing plan, complete with specific tactics, dates, and budget. Managers must prospect, too. They lead generate for agents.

Does your prospecting (recruiting) plan for agents resemble that of your best agent’s marketing plan? Is it as systematized? Does it have the materials, time frames, budgets, and delegations that good agents have in their plans?

A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A�A� 2. Now, prioritize your tasks as they relate to accomplishing your mainA�objectives. What are the most important tasks you do as manager toA�A�A�A�A� assure your office makes a profit?

An example: If recruiting is very important to reaching your objective, how complete is your recruiting system? How organized is it? Who is involved with you in your recruiting plan? How well are you delegating the systems?

Prioritize your Job Description to Prioritize your Systemization

Then, you must either create or purchase systems to manage these processes. One reason managers haven’t systematized their work is that managers have few resources for systems organization. To actually systematize their work, they must create these systems from scratch. Given the myriad of activities managers must accomplish, that’s a daunting assignment. Instead, many managers stay in “crisis” management, which admittedly takes up a lot of the day, but doesn’t allow the manager to move ahead as a leader. (Weirdly, thata��s what I like to doa��create recruiting, selecting, coaching, and training systems so you dona��t have to reinvent the wheel).

Next post: Ia��ll give you a list of the systems I think you should work toward so you end up working smarter, not harder.