Are you committing any (or all) of these four recruiter sins? Have you hired a�?abundantlya��? Unhappy with your production and retention rates? Most brokers are. Yet, ita��s so easy to see why they have low retention rates. Theya��re creating them with their selection practices! And, in this a�?new normala�� market, we cana��t hire so a�?abundantlya�� and expect our agents to hack it in the real world.

The Four Recruiter Sins

Here are four of the most common a�?sinsa�?, with recommendations about how to avoid them.

Sin # 1:A� Not considering a potential recruit a a�?candidatea��

What do you call your potential recruits? Ia��ll bet you call them a�?leadsa�� or you say that youa��re trying to recruit this person. Stop acting a�?needya��.

To become a a�?sainta��: Call those potentials a�?candidatesa��. After all, you are screening, qualifying, and selecting them to your unique culture, your company. Shouldna��t they consider themselves lucky to get chosen by you?

Sin #2: Selling too much and too soon in the selecting process

The first part of the selection process consists of questions, questions, questions. Why then, do agents tell me they were asked very few questions, but were sold, sold, sold?

To become a a�?sainta��: In your first interview, or first part of the selection process, ask questions and listen 75% of the time. Your candidate will tell you exactly what she is looking for, so, you can arrange your a�?tella�� (presentation) portion to fill her needs.

Sin #3: Not using a planned selection process

We teach our agents to use a planned presentation for buyers and sellers. Yet, we selectors just a�?wing ita��. We have no system in place. What do you think we look like to the candidate who is interviewing for a position in a a�?real businessa��?

To become a a�?sainta��: Create and master an effective selecting system. Know your steps. Follow your steps. Have your whole system written down. Use it with each candidate.

Sin #4: Asking questions that dona��t tell us what we need to know

Most brokers have their favorite interview questions. However, ita��s not connected to their agent job description or to the qualities they are looking for in real estate agents. Ita��s just a question they like.

To become a a�?sainta��: Design your questions to reveal the skills, traits, and qualities youa��re looking for in that real estate agent who represents your unique culture.

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For in-depth how tos in these four sins to saint status, seeA� Your Blueprint for Selecting Winners.A�

A $40 value, the Blueprint is FREE to those recruiters who purchase The Complete Recruiter. Plus, get The Complete Recuiter at $30 offA� (regularly $129.95, now $99.95) AND my new eBook on recruiting, From Romance to Reality. Order now and save $70+. This offer expiresA�Mar. 31, 2012.A�