Short video below: Here’s the one mistake presenters make that can really get a presentation off-course at the beginning.
In my Train the Trainer course, I give trainers dozens of tips to help them present with confidence. Launching the course is the most important part of your presentation.
Why do some courses launch with excitement from the audience, while others fizzle–almost from the start? It may be because
You asked the student what they wanted BEFORE you told them what you were going to do.
It seems so simple and unimportant, yet, the order of explaining the course overview and getting audience ‘needs’ can make or break the whole course experience.
In this short video, international trainer Carla Cross tells you the right order–and why. Following the many tips in Carla’s Train the Trainer course allows trainers to polish their presentations–and stay out of trouble with proven presentation techniques.
Click here to view the video.
See all of Carla’s courses and training at her website.
Subscribe to Carla’s YouTube channel (TheCarlaCross) to get all the tips Carla has learned from four decades in front of people.